What is in your current playlist/car stereo/turntable/walkman/cd player/8track?

Where did you get this?? I have been looking for years, and always to no avail, not even online, I just want to hear it more than anything
JB Hifi, $2 :rock:
I should probably post that haul. 33 CDs for $92 total and it's not just random trash (though there were a few "hm for $2 I'll give it a try" impulse buys).
Protest The Hero "Fortress" is getting a lot of plays lately. I expected a generic pop-punk/emo band from the name and only checked them out due to seeing them on Mike Portnoy's top 10 albums of 2008. I'm glad I did... they're like a slightly proggier (yes that's a word now) and less Panteraish (that's a word too) Biomechanical.
Protest The Hero "Fortress" is getting a lot of plays lately. I expected a generic pop-punk/emo band from the name and only checked them out due to seeing them on Mike Portnoy's top 10 albums of 2008. I'm glad I did... they're like a slightly proggier (yes that's a word now) and less Panteraish (that's a word too) Biomechanical.

Da da dada da da da dadada
Da da dada da da da dadada

Not a bad album. Lot's of shit going on in the songs!
Kane, the champ!!!!


:rock: I knew that you'd just have to comment on that one!
My mate was just telling me about them last night. He said they're brilliant. He downloaded 10 hours' worth for $15.