what is it you find in METAL, that you don't find in other music genres?

Death and sadness.

I don't know. I love metal although not all its genres. Sometimes I feel identified with the lyrics of some songs, some bands.. And I also like music from the 80's and classical music, but there are different sensations in that music..
In metal, there is all forms of emotion, all expressed in their purest forms... it is the music that stirs every feeling I have and can have, and never stops... I nevr get bored of it, no matter how much I listen to it... the oworld is a dull place without it
I find the musical style that shows more about us (humans, lol). And it does that full of attitude. Dark, heavy, the way i like... :)
I find a lot of talented musicians, that (mostly) work for making awesome music, not money!
I find a style where people truly listen to the music...

It rocks! lol

wankerness and boringness and many other nesses. thats why i hardly listen to metal anymore... ffs!