What is the appeal to Sanctuary Records??


And this isn't another "dissapointing Anthrax albums sales thread" Even if Anthrax released this album on the biggest label out there, they'd be lucky to break 100k in todays musical climate. My question is, what does Sanctuary do to appeal to all the bands they have. They have EVERYONE with a name left in rock/metal. KISS, Anthrax, Megadeth, Sammy Hagar, Biohazard, Lynyrd Skynyrd, and how many others. And they do NOTHING to promote any of these bands. Do they offer megamillion advances? Unlimited tour support? What is the deal, it is turning out to be the label where band goes to die.
They also have Iron Maiden, Halford, and Dave Mustaine's solo album.

I think the appeal is they give the bands a lot of freedom. I remember Dave Mustaine saying he liked all the options they gave him even over the little things, like on Capital they didn't want Vic Rattlehead on the cover of the album, but at Sanctuary they even suggested he be back on the cover.
Vic Rattlehead said:
They also have Iron Maiden, Halford, and Dave Mustaine's solo album.

I think the appeal is they give the bands a lot of freedom. I remember Dave Mustaine saying he liked all the options they gave him even over the little things, like on Capital they didn't want Vic Rattlehead on the cover of the album, but at Sanctuary they even suggested he be back on the cover.
That makes a lot of sense. I know most artists enjoy the freedom to make decisions. :Spin:
There is no "appeal". They just go after all the washed-up, old school metal acts, because they know that nobody else does. It's basically a has beens label.

Not that I don't love Halford and Anthrax to this day, but the new Maiden's horrible, and KISS hasn't done anything decent since Carnival of Souls. Megadeth put out on album on Sanctuary, and it was HORRIBLE. The piece of shit didn't sell, and then they broke up.

Biohazard, was never cool, and Lynyrd Skynyrd were always a second-rate southern rock band, known for two songs (and they haven't been relevant in about twenty-five years). After the disaster that was the last two Megadeth albums, I'm SURE everyone's waiting for the new Dave Mustaine solo project! :p

So who's that leave us with? Maiden? Brave New World was damned good, but it doesn't measure up to any of the first seven albums. The new one bores the shit out of me, and it looks like they have the same problem that was there when Bruce left: Harris is trying to write everything, and they're getting really fucking repetative. :ill:

Bottom line, is that Infernal Combustion had it right again: "Every band on Sanctuary secretly feels sorry for every other band on Sanctuary." :erk:

Sanctuary has the only big names left? So the only good metal bands are the ones you grew up with? How about a little symbolism for ya?

Q: How many metalheads does it take to change a lightbulb?

A: All of them. One to screw it in, and the rest to bitch about how much better the old one lit the room.
I couldn't stand that album. At least Risk was something they hadn't tried before, that had two or three good tracks among the shit. TWNAH basically put me to sleep, when it didn't induce vomiting. The lyrics sucked, the riffs and solos were generic and cliche, and the drumming was pathetic. Did Jimmy DeGrasso sleepwalk his way through those sessions? I ask, because he used to be awesome with Suicidal Tendancies and Y&T. :Smug:

Dave himself even admitted that he was trying to make another RIP for his fans with that album, and despite what we might want to believe, you can never go back. It was a terrible idea, and the results make me not want to know where it came from. :ill:
I beg to differ a little bit. There is still some marketability left in some of those bands. Skynyrd still jam pack arenas, and Hagar still fills the pavillions, theatres, and minor league hockey joints. Both bands get there new songs added on AOR stations, so if Sanctuary gave the bands just a little push, they could be selling a lot more records. Maybe not gold, but the difference between 80,000 and 300,000 is a good deal of $$$$$$$ for both artist and label. KISS is still playing stadiums for Christ's sake, Polygram had the band buried on their roster, but every album they gave to Polygram went gold within weeks, and then some went to Platinum and even double platinum. My point is Sanctuary does NOTHING for their bands.
Considering the Sanctuary website doesn't even list Anthrax as one of their bands, and there is no word about any North American release of the Taking the Music Back single, I'm not impressed with what the label is doing currently.
It seems to be that Sanctuary has the mindset of "Well, everyone knows our name is big, and everyone knows your name is big, so we'll just put the record out and people will buy it just because."

I always thought they were a good label because of their diverse roster (they have all sorts of imprints and non-rock artists... Dolly Parton is on there). But looking at how they never update their website... I take that as a telltale sign that there is a cash crunch, or that they don't care about keeping a current, professional image.

I wanted to work there, until a young lady who used to be employed there told me some horror stories. It looks like Sanctuary is better with artist management and agency than promoting records.
who knows,i suppose the only metal labels left are century media,nuclear blast,roadrunner and sanctuary(the ones i know of anyway).

roadrunner seems to be ok but a few bands have been saying negative stuff about them,sanctuary has had lots of bad press about them(biohazard especially)but sanctuary has lots of old school bands and maybe anthrax thought there best option was to be amongst that group and have a chance of a good package tour down the track.
Is SPV/Steamhammer part of Sanctuary?Because the last 2 Biohazard album I have are released through them and the 'Thran alum was released buy another mob...actually Nuclear Blast with distrubution by Riot! here in OZ. So whats the story does Sanctuary have alot more labels under their belt or something?
Southy said:
Is SPV/Steamhammer part of Sanctuary?Because the last 2 Biohazard album I have are released through them and the 'Thran alum was released buy another mob...actually Nuclear Blast with distrubution by Riot! here in OZ. So whats the story does Sanctuary have alot more labels under their belt or something?

Different territories carry the album. They have licensing deals all over the place...
mrthrax said:
who knows,i suppose the only metal labels left are century media,nuclear blast,roadrunner and sanctuary(the ones i know of anyway).

roadrunner seems to be ok but a few bands have been saying negative stuff about them,sanctuary has had lots of bad press about them(biohazard especially)but sanctuary has lots of old school bands and maybe anthrax thought there best option was to be amongst that group and have a chance of a good package tour down the track.

What about Metal Blade, The End records (which has had a very good year), Relapse, Earache...
nafnikufesin said:
Considering the Sanctuary website doesn't even list Anthrax as one of their bands, and there is no word about any North American release of the Taking the Music Back single, I'm not impressed with what the label is doing currently.

I think the website is poorly managed, besides being poorly designed it looks like it isn't kept up. They have an Anthrax page,
Sancturay Anthrax page
they just don't have it in the pull down menu, and I would guess it was the fault of a lazy webmaster and staff that doesn't check the company's own web site. One of the my company's clients had there website down for 3 days and didn't even know it until I told them.