What is the best value for money or "bang for buck" product you can think of?


Nov 26, 2009
What are the products that provide best value for money? Defined as thus:

"the biggest difference to recordings for the smallest prices"

My nominations would be the Ibanez TS7 or Shure SM57. A bunch of guitar pickups I can think of too... Whats your opinions?
Behringer ADA8000. 8 extra inputs for your DAW for less than £150 if you shop around.

TS7 is definitely up there.

Squier Vintage Modified Jazz is an awesome bass for not alot of money. I prefer it to my ex bassists mexican Fender!
Although I did pick up my set of Bose for not much at all :lol:
Some dick ordered them into one of my old mates shop and didnt pick them up... he let me have them cheap.