What is the best value for money or "bang for buck" product you can think of?

LOL this should have been totally obvious to me considering im surrounded by guitars that I've done this to but...

Little bits of foam to put in your tremelo cavity and under the strings behind the headstock. Stops any nasty, resonant ringing.

Also, surgical tape for taping off strings that you dont play when tracking your rhythm tracks.

Also, drum rings, moon gel, tape and the like for drums.

Thats probably the biggest cost for quality value I can come up with :lol:
Sneap forum, costs nothing, yet it yields a fuckload of helpful advice.

+lots and lots

Very good call. Good call on the behringer converters whoever said that, I got mine for £80 in the original box and mint

Are they any good? I'm not sure what to make of Behringer as a brand at all so not sure about a cheap digital converter from them.
They are pretty damn good converters. Not too great mic pre's, but the converters are solid. Perfect for running triggers, trash mics and random other shit :)
I've had my eye on one of those behringer converters so ill have to re-look at it without my usual behringer prejudice :lol:
I have to say, the high end Schecter guitars are insane value for money.

They come with great hardware/pickups/finishes, for a very low price (compared to other guitars that are built with similar parts) and they actually play well and survive anything!

I really should try out Reaper...