What is the best value for money or "bang for buck" product you can think of?

Any low wattage Valve amp
Vox AC4 , sounds amazing,very compact,pretty damn cheap.
Not aload of bass though but what do you expect when its this small :lol:

its the one on the left

Peavey Windsor. The other guitar player in my old band bought a used one for 175 dollars. I got to a/b it against my 5150 with the same cab and tube screamer set up and was very impressed by the windsor.
FMR - RNP (Really Nice Preamp)

6505 used or new is a great fuckin deal for a great amp

SM57 of course
You Aussies have SM Pro Audio out their, I'm sure their products are much cheaper for you guys than us here in the states. Unfortunately, that don't have a ton of useful products I suppose.
my entire guitar rack...

ESP H-200 = $100
jackson PS-4 = $100
ibanez RG560 = free
epiphone acoustic = free
yamaha classical = free
schecter elite 5 = $350

so...not counting pickup upgrades, we're talking $550 for 6 instruments! :kickass:
I got a pair od AKG K702 for 160e (a local guy sells them at such a low price, new) and I'm super-happy with it. Beats the shit out of my monitors in an untreated room.
You Aussies have SM Pro Audio out their, I'm sure their products are much cheaper for you guys than us here in the states. Unfortunately, that don't have a ton of useful products I suppose.

Unless you're into passive volume attenuators that burst white noise out your monitors, cut channels out randomly, and have pots that wear out quick. SM are great for that.