What is the deal with all the CDs looking almost identical to each other?

Ah well, here's why; It's just so as you have to put on the album yet another time to make sure you sort them right. ...and not to forget; it's both silly and annoying not to print the titles on the cd's. ...all clear? ;)
Urban breed said:
Ah well, here's why; It's just so as you have to put on the album yet another time to make sure you sort them right. ...and not to forget; it's both silly and annoying not to print the titles on the cd's. ...all clear? ;)

Ha ha ha good answer Urban. I actually had to do that once.

WIntersReflection said:
That gives me the mental picture of you shuffling a deck of cds, lol.

(Which is funny until I contemplate how easily cds get damaged 8O)

Ha ha ha...yeah your reply makes me picture Urban with a cigar, dark shades and a gangster hat playing poker with a deck of CDs.

Bryant said:
Ha ha ha...yeah your reply makes me picture Urban with a cigar, dark shades and a gangster hat playing poker with a deck of CDs.


Urban with cigar would sure be a sight....non the less a sight U never will se ;)
But I know the look of him when we played Illuminati: New World Order...
and that WAS a sight ;)


Frop Farm ;=)
One of these days my having enough extra money around to go see Tad Morose and their being where I can see them will coincide... and on that day there will be much headbanging and cheering! :>D I have got to see them live! :}

Mardagg said:
Urban with cigar would sure be a sight....non the less a sight U never will se ;)
But I know the look of him when we played Illuminati: New World Order...
and that WAS a sight ;)


Frop Farm ;=)