What is the definition of metal god dammit!?

Erik said:
No, metal always evolves, but if it has pretty much NO MUSICAL CONNECTIONS to previous metal bands WHATSOEVER (i.e. Isis) then it can hardly be metal. If a new, original metal band BUILDS UPON PREVIOUS METAL but CREATES SOMETHING NEW (i.e. Negurã Bunget draws on 90's Norwegian Black Metal, The Chasm fuses thrash and death metal with neoclassicisms) it's still METAL.
That, I understand. Denying that Isis has a connection to Sepultura, Sabbath, and others is the part I'm missing. Are they 100% metal? Well no, but they certainly fall under the umbrella.
I don't really care shit whether Isis are metal, HxC, reggae or whatever, and I think it's funny that people should discard a band on the asumption of it being in the wrong drawer. It works both ways, all ways actually, and I'm not talking about any of you guys, but I've known people who would really appreciate a band's music and refrain to dig them further because they do not seem to embrace the standards they set for themselves as (socially?) acceptable. How absurd is that?

I'm curious now, are Neurosis any "metal"?
How can Isis not be anything but metal...Their music is twice as heavy as most metal bands out there.

Isis comes from core? Core comes from punk. Hence Isis is a punk band?!?

Sorry mate, But Isis sounds alot closer to Black Sabbath than they do the ramones.

Get out of your caves and embrace progress!
Erik pretty much nailed it, as I expected him to. I'm sure I've explained this a squillion times as well.

No, heavy riffs does not equal metal. Punk bands have 'heavy' riffs on 'distorted' guitars, how are they metal?

lizard said:
well to each his own, but I couldn't stand the idea of listening to the same album, redone over and over and over and over again.

Fucking hell, you're only looking at the two extremes.

Why isn't it possible that metal can progress and evolve within its own parameters? Isn't it abundantly clear that we're all listening to masses amounts of metal whether it be 70's classic, NWOBHM, mid-80's 'true metal', hair metal, death metal, black metal, etc. ISN'T THIS EVIDENCE ENOUGH THAT PROGRESS HAS TAKEN PLACE SINCE 1970??

With so much progress made within metal already, why do we need to start going 'beyond the realms of metal' (heh) to seek more music? I completely advocate listening to non-metal music, just as I do myself, but I don't sit there pretending that Radiohead or Ulver are metal.

Again, what some of you are getting confused with is 'other' non-metal bands drawing from metal to craft their sound.

Here's an example:

If your foundation is in metal, and you draw from jazz, then you are still a metal band.

If your foundation is in jazz, and you draw from metal, then you are still a jazz band.

Just because a jazz band might improvise the "Paranoid" riff into a medley here or there doesn't suddenly make them metal.
Still waiting for a definition, you badgers are saying "it's more than heavy riffs" and that's it. So what else? Attitude? Clothing? Hair length? What it is man, what it is?
Ellestin said:
I don't really care shit whether Isis are metal, HxC, reggae or whatever, and I think it's funny that people should discard a band on the asumption of it being in the wrong drawer. It works both ways, all ways actually, and I'm not talking about any of you guys, but I've known people who would really appreciate a band's music and refrain to dig them further because they do not seem to embrace the standards they set for themselves as (socially?) acceptable. How absurd is that?
I completely agree.
Ellestin said:
I'm curious now, are Neurosis any "metal"?
They are so metal it hurts. :kickass:
I cant explain what "METAL IS". Its just a specific feeling within the music that cannot be described. A riff can be heavy with that feeling, and heavy without it.
About Isis, i could say that metal riffs have an amount of "warmth" within them, and Isis riffs are totally the opposite, cold sound (i like Isis).
If you wanted to do it mathematically, you could probably build an evolutionary chart that shows how metal progressed from 1970 onwards. (Or you could just watch "School of Rock" and freeze-frame the chalkboard lecture). :loco:

Notice two things:

1. Black Metal was probably the last evolutionary step in metal. In other words, it was a sub-genre that took something pure and pushed it to an extreme edge, whilst all the time keeping it pure.

2. Anything considered more extreme since the advent of Black Metal is likely not derived from a metal kernel. This is where you start venturing into noisecore, grindcore, doomcore, and other *.core territories.

If you want to redefine *.core as 'metal', then that's up to you as an individual. Just know that you are wrong. :p

Disclaimer: Yes, metal has progressed/evolved/morphed since Black Metal, but it's not treading on new waters, rather redefining something that previously existed. Granted, that 'redefinition' can be exhaustive enough to offer something extremely new, yet still VERY METAL.


:lol: Spot the famous British tv show.

EDIT: Notice how the guy on the right listens to lolcore and reads cosmo. :loco:
IOfTheStorm said:
I cant explain what "METAL IS". Its just a specific feeling within the music that cannot be described. A riff can be heavy with that feeling, and heavy without it.
About Isis, i could say that metal riffs have an amount of "warmth" within them, and Isis riffs are totally the opposite, cold sound (i like Isis).

but about that cold riff feeling... then you can look at a lot of black metal bands, for example, and refer to them the exact same way. And yet that is "metal" ...
lurch70 said:
well at this point we know one thing for sure ...

NAD is definetelly NOT a metalhead :lol:
Hey I'm not the one saying groups like Carcass and Napalm Death (you know, grindcore) AREN'T metal! :loco:

@JayK, that was amazing. Although I disagree with black metal being the last evolutionary form (goat help us if that's true :yuk: ), for two reasons: 1) black metal owes as much to punk than it does thrash and other metal, and 2) I still don't see how Isis, Meshuggah and others aren't metal, and they are leading the charge for a new sound (the current r/evolution). But still, that was amazing. :tickled: