What is "The Drapery Falls" about?

Don't think every song has a direct meaning first. I did however read what it meant once, when it came out. It was an interview on the net. I believe it was from Chaotic. Do I remember? :lol: Sorry..

From Chaotic Critiques-

Tate: While Blackwater Park does not seem to be a concept album in the way that your last two albums were, there are some themes running through the music, the lyrics, and the cover - what would you identify as some of the main concepts running through the album?

Mikael: I always tend to write about death, because that is my favorite subject and it is so wide. You can write so many different things about it. This time there are some songs which deal with the subject, but also stuff that is kind of strange for being me. I've never kept it really personal before. This is the first time that the lyrics have come out really personal. And that kind of ended up being almost sick and twisted. I found myself lately being more secluded from society, and people in general. I have found myself despising people. I don't like...I have so many suspicions about people, I think that they always have bad intentions. And so often I am proved to be right. My intuition is sharp, very sharp - or I like to think that it is, anyway. I can spot a junkie or a problem-maker from miles away. And I always end up getting in contact with them. It's like I'm a magnet for junkies and for psychos. After a long time of being exposed to strange and idiot people, you get these kinds of feelings inside. And in a way I was lucky to have these feelings, because I was supposed to write lyrics and all of that came out. When I read them afterwards, of course I always spice them up a little bit, to make it more twisted. But when I read it afterwards, even though it was so twisted and sick at times, I could still totally relate to it. And that felt pretty strange, because I'm a very social guy and I'm mostly in a happy state and not hard to get along with, but it's just something that I have got inside. And I think that many people have got it inside - everything that I have talked to and explained this, it's like, 'yes, I have the same feeling.' And it's strange, but after a while, when you get exposed to strange things and strange people, you start to develop some kind of defense inside. And it just keeps me secluded from everything. I don't answer the phones anymore, I don't open the door, I avoid people.

---If you want to read the rest of it, it's here:
