What is the worst that could happen ......

pistol_pete said:
how could that be the worst?
because then you don't have the chance anymore to make your life (and that of others) better :cool:
Alwin said:
because then you don't have the chance anymore to make your life (and that of others) better :cool:

I just think that if i got mangled in a car crash or someth and coudln't move from the kneck down that I'd prefer to be dead.......
pistol_pete said:

I just think that if i got mangled in a car crash or someth and coudln't move from the kneck down that I'd prefer to be dead.......
extreme situations like that are very difficult, but it is surprising to see how quick people adapt their expectations to new situations
Strangelight said:
whats a kneck?
it's that elongated slippery and highly vulnerable organ between the nipples of male adolescents I think, but don't kill me if I'm wrong here :tickled:
hm, the worst thing... broken fingers are bad (but I already saw guitarists who played with a broken thumb), to be deaf is worse I guess...

hm, bad is also if u are just playing and the elctricity goes down in the middle of ur set, must be quite embarassing :( but well, its not the worst
siderea said:
if you're a musician we'll discuss that later ;) are you coming to breda barst? btw?

yes I'm a musician - the link below leads to some of my songs

I'm not going to Breda, I'll be at the Hell&Doorn gig, you?