The worst thing...

The worst thing that could happen to myself? - Paraplegia. I was close to it after a car accident in 1997; I had to lie still for several weeks... It was horrible, probably the worst time of my life. I don't think I could live without being able to walk, without being independent of other people's help...
snow2fall said:
The worst thing that could happen to myself? - Paraplegia. I was close to it after a car accident in 1997; I had to lie still for several weeks... It was horrible, probably the worst time of my life. I don't think I could live without being able to walk, without being independent of other people's help...
...transfixed... somehow... :ill:
The worst thing for me at the moment is that someone could do any harm to my gf and especially my niece.

I would kill them...
Needles in the eyes :(

When I write something with a rotring pencil, I always think what if I make an unfortunate move and pierce my own eye with the pencil by accident. I hope it won't develop into some paranoia.
Strangelight said:
needles in the eyes and drowning
they say drowning is a peaceful death
i wonder how they know though

silly thing happened: had to interview this highly intelligent person at the higly intelligent persons meeting and my microphone wasnt plugged in. he had to laugh so hard:erk:
being burried alive - christ id hate that....i was watching that simpsons episode where homer and lisa do the alternative therapy thing and they have a couple of hours in those chamber thingys - and then homer gets burried in one - i nearly had a panic attack....god it makes me feel like someones wrapped me in cellophane..
So you are all affected by the worm... ehhhh?

Ehhhh... What I said at the beginning when I entered this forum... so you are still forced to shut your Eyes partially !!!

So let us sing a song... :erk: :)


I tried to live six years ago
When this story started
The sun, it told me where to go
Open minded, open hearted

Freedom was my vision
Every breath a dream
A million years ahead
All is what it seems
Freedom was my vision
Every breath a dream

Or are you taken by surprise
Covering your sleepy eyes
The mocking bird won't sing for you
What ever happened
To these friends I knew

These friends I knew
Or was it just a dream
But dreams are for real
Life is how you feel

Freedom is my vision
Every breath a dream
A million dreams ahead
And they're all for real
Freedom is my vision
Every breath a dream

Breathe on!

AMEN !!!
And another one...

Forty Shades

I'm on top of the world
And I see
The pain from a thousand generations to be
Like lambs to the slaughter
Never free
Echoes of fear swirling around me

I'm on top of the world
And I see
The souls from the millions
That will never be free
Caged in their bodies
Down on their knees
Black clouds of fear swirling around me

Suffer forty shades of red
Suffer forty shades of black
Suffer forty shades of red
Suffer forty shades of black

try to walk
free your mind
and you will find peace of mind
free your mind

Suffer forty shades of red
Suffer forty shades of black
Suffer forty shades of red
Suffer forty shades of black