The worlds Worst Fuucking Accent?????

well that could be hitler too, i doubt if anyone ever mentioned it to him when he smelled a bit ripe. i mean goebbels goin "jaysus adolph, theres a fierce bang offa you, would ye throw some lynx on 4phuxache" isnt very likely is it??
i thought it was about what accent ppl have while fucking..
anyway; swiss german is a funny thing.. and maybe the most interesting English I've heard was spoken by a Chinese living in France for long..
MoonsOfJupiter said:
Wow, I live in Pennsylvania (Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne County to be exact). What part of the state are you in?

where everyone seems to go to school in this state....pittsburgh.
Morpheus said:
agreed, groom!

well, i like english accents and i can't say i don't like any though i'm sure i haven't hear most of them existing ones. The most hard one to understand for me was the glaswegian one. Irish sounds nice as well.
But of course for natives it might be completely different.
cool someone who likes english accents in england essex accentsd are a bit anoying i like swedish accent :Spin:
hm. i had lab professor who was from india and i could barely understand him. all i remember him saying was "impossible, this can't be!" everytime i messed up the lab. he probably thought i was stupid because he couldn't understand my accent, i couldn't understand his. we had two lab partners, one was from indonesia, and the other was from brooklyn. the indonesian girl has more perfect english than I do, very softspoken girl though. her voice was a bit nasal. and the partner from brooklyn....well...brooklyn people don't speak english I think. No offense, but there was so much slang thrown around that i'd never heard, and yeah.

not to mention the people in the city i'm in have a wierd dialect of enlgish. for example you=yins
:lol: They also call sneakers "tennys". Hoagies are a special kind of sandwich, though, so that's not really weird. Hoagies, grinders, subs and heroes are all synonyms for the same thing: a long roll filled with hot or cold meat, accompanied by many choices of vegetables, cheeses, sauces, and garnishes.
Pittsburgh isn't terrible. except the air is horrible, and traffic cannot learn to drive. i live in one of the more posh neighborhoods and everyday that i walk on the sidewalk someone almost hits me with a car.

guess i didn't realize that hoagies were special. my school often has "pittsburgh food day" in which they serve ketchup chicken and steak salads with fried potatos on top. Glad i don't eat meat.....:ill:

i've been near where you live i think. i looked it up on a map. i went home with a friend from scranton ( i think) and we went by the infamous greyhound bus. i finally got to be in the infamous pittsburgh station which is mentioned it seems everytime greyhound is mentioned.
Hehe, I almost got wound up in Pittsburgh too. It's not that bad though, I went there to check the school I was not gonna go to :D

Which uni, or have I asked this before?
korsfarer said:
and we went by the infamous greyhound bus. i finally got to be in the infamous pittsburgh station which is mentioned it seems everytime greyhound is mentioned.

I've been through that station about six times on the Greyhound half those with five to six hour layovers in the middle of the night and it's always been virtually abandoned. One of my lesser favorite greyhound stations in the country. Not because of the layovers, I've had many much longer ones (El Paso being consistantly the worst) travelling around the country this way before car mode, but just the emptyness and particular lurkers there then.
i go to a small private school, chatham. it's got a lot of international students

and the pittsburgh station...aaaiii.....gah. i hate it. i hate walking by it. you're right about the lurkers. they always want money. which is when i start talking in either my native language or sometimes just gibberish (or is it jibberish?) and pretend that i know no english. it's pretty convincing most of the time I think.
I almost went to scranton over break. Only I decided to go to my aunt and uncles house instead. Not quite sure why.
I think every accent has its pro's. Nice to hear someone speak in his own accent instead of adjusting it to the situation. My dad never adjusts hehe.. speaks an eastern-dutch dialect and refuses (or maybe he can't, I dont know) to adjust it when he's speaking to people who speak normal dutch. in the end they always seem to understand him though.

I have to choose an accent.. thats strange. Study English and have to choose between an English and an American accent. Problem is that English english (or BBC english or RP, whatever) sounds posh if a foreigner is pronouncing it. But I like it better than an American pronounciation. hm.
Well yeah I know.. I love almost all english accents (at least the ones I ever heard) but it wouldnt be logical for me to speak in a certain accent except RP since I'm not from that certain region... do agree with you though