
I couldn't agree more, I was referring to any English speaker that hasn't been directly exposed to the regional speech of any state (foreigners) would have difficulty distinguishing accents unless the accent was extreme.

I think you've underestimated just how much American Tv/Movies we get.
The influence is MASSIVE.
For example, Halloween only exists as it does in this country (and is growing) because of US entertainment.
Kids see it in films and TV and think that it actually happens, therefore it does...
i'm totally with jeff on this one. as someone who grew up in cali, and lives in indiana, i can tell you that there tends to be a huge difference in the way people from the different areas sound. now, while many people from the midwest will have the same sort of just "regular" american english accents, there's tons of people around who have come up from KY/TN and sport disgusting-ass redneck accents - way more than you would think for a place that's about 200 mi. from canada.

then of course there's the chicago/NW IN accent, which sounds like nothing else...and as you get up into wisconsin/minnesota/etc., damn near everyone gets that sort of canadian sounding, hokey ass thing going on. the company i work for is based out of wisconsin, and you can hear this in every person who comes down from our corporate office, or in any kind of training video and the such.
Yeah, I went to high school in St Louis and have spent a ton of time throughout the midwest. Sure, there are plenty of folks with no discernible accent (besides American) but the Chicago, St Louis and Wisconsin accents are all unique, obvious and discernible.
I think you've underestimated just how much American Tv/Movies we get.
The influence is MASSIVE.
For example, Halloween only exists as it does in this country (and is growing) because of US entertainment.
Kids see it in films and TV and think that it actually happens, therefore it does...

Halloween seemed pretty much non existent back in the 90s when I was growing up as a young kid.
Fast forward to the 00s, and suddenly every 'Halloween', as each year went by, more and more kids went 'Trick or Treating'. And more will continue to engage in the activity each year.
Really pisses me off too.
Just more American influence this country doesn't need. I guess to the 5-10 year old kids, it's just a bit of fun, but they don't realize that supporting these kind of celebrations is putting a further strain on this country trying to maintain some kind of unique identity.
It's partly the parents to blame too, for their ignorance and not giving a shit about the fact they're making the situation worse.
Now that's there enough kids that like this shit, you can go into stores and buy all this Halloween related stuff, whereas back in the 90s when I was a kid, I just don't remember that being anywhere near as common as it is now, because the idea of halloween for many kids my age at the time just didn't really exist outside of American movies.

I don't hate all aspects of Americanisation, but I just really hate how I get to live in a country with far too many dumb fucks who get told and shown by Americans the way to do things, and everyone will just willingly bend over and take it in the fuck arse, instead of actually thinking for themselves and asking themselves "Hang on, do we really need this?".
Yeh dude, I remember being sooooo disappointed with Halloween when I was younger
I had seen it in countless films, and when it came to actually doing it, most people didn't even answer the door.....

I think the revenue gained from it has grown 9 times in the past decade