The worlds Worst Fuucking Accent?????

yeah i see your point, i somehow guess that it would be confusing for natives as well if you'd speak in a local accent although maybe have never been there before. It's just too funny though to try to speak those accents.
Yeah, Bastet, it's received pronunciation that right posh people receive from traditionally right posh people.
nah, i meant in general. You couldn't know it, at least i wouldn' have expected anyone to know it who hasn't been dealing with the language that much. and you're not stupid.
The woman next store bothers the hell out of me when she comes outside with the phone attached to her ear and speaks in a very LOUD HUSKY Latina voice at 200 miles an hour for a half hour straight. She always sounds pissed when she's not. A strange but common affectation among Latinas here. I find it really disturbing.