What is the...


In memory of Chuck
May 2, 2001
Corner Brook Canada
shitiest thing that ever happened to you in your life ,,,, something that you'll never forgret ,,,

For me : My grandfather died about a year ago ,, I was very close to him ,,,,,,,, he lived right next-door to me all my life and did everything for me ....now that he's gone my grandmother ( which is who I have to stay with when I go back to where I used to live to visit) is gone insane and all depressed ,,, she was never depressed before ,, but it's just kicking in now ,, and she complains about everything ,, now I hate to even go down to that place anymore because she just makes my visit so depressing ..

But then again she does have one of the best acoustics i've ever played ,,,;)

extremely bad things don't happen to me alot ,,,just alot of smaller bad things happen to me at the same time,,,,,
One of my school friends died when he was about 14. He was born on exactly the same day as me, April 17th 1984. And no one really knew what he died from, it was like a mystery illness. That really shook me up. This is my tribute to Jamie Woodward. Rest In Peace.
When I was a kid, I closed a bureau draw on that thing between my legs - man, that hurt:eek:

But on a more serious note, the day we realized that my daughter had a serious problem was the worse day of my life - and it really changed me forever.
Probably the worst thing ever....the way my mother raised me....She had lots of problems and the only way she knew how to deal with it was by treating her kids like shit....

On a more recent note....I found out that a person whom I don't even know lied to one of my friends about me (really bad) and now that friend is really pissed off at me because they believe what that person said...Now I'm probably going to lose a person who I had a lot of respect for....:cry:
Originally posted by metalmancpa
When I was a kid, I closed a bureau draw on that thing between my legs - man, that hurt:eek:

But on a more serious note, the day we realized that my daughter had a serious problem was the worse day of my life - and it really changed me forever.

Sorry to hear about your daughter ,,, how old is your kids anyway?
This is a pretty weak shittest thing.. but I have had little to no happy moments either, so it balances out.

I had to get four molars pulled out (I can't stand dentists either) and they shot me up with like 8 syringes of novicane and let loose with the pliers. I feel pliers on my teeth and then I feel strain, next thing I know I feel my jaw vibrating, I hear a loud *SCREEEEEKKKK* noise, and I was trembling, the damn pliers were slipping off my teeth, this happened like 10 times. When the teeth were succesfully pulled out it wasn't a pleasent feeling, the roots on molars are huge, and you see that nasty thing coming out of your mouth with blood all over it. I just wanted to go unconcious, when it was finally over they made me drink orangejuice lying down, bear in mind I can't feel my lips. I take a sip and it falls all over my shirt. The dentist tells me to stand up "You might feel a little dizzy" So I get up and am all dazed and almost fall over... ewww I hated that.
Originally posted by warsofwinter

Sorry to hear about your daughter ,,, how old is your kids anyway?

My son is 18 - freshman in college
My daughter is 16 - high school junior

That makes me ancient (well, my mind thinks I'm still 16:) )
little over four years ago I used to be friends with a guy for over a year. We hung out and stuff.

Then one day he pulled a knife to my neck and threatened to kill me, then robbed me of all my possessions. When I said "I thought we were friends" he laughed in my face.

...I'll end it there. I don't like bringing it up. Needless to say I'm a lot more careful of who I trust.