what is your favorite...


Rome 64 C.E.
May 17, 2006
brand and model of condoms?
and why?

I need some advice pls in this matter, thanks!

Oh and fuck QFC, i tried to buy condoms from their yesterday and they apparently don't carry them. So I had to buy some from the small street corner shop run by an old asian couple. So basically I bought condoms from an old asian lady. very awkward moment.
Realizing everyone here will have a different preference and possibility of different sizes as well, you're not going to get a consistent answer unless they keep it vague like "ribbed" or "lubricated" other than a brand.
brand and model of condoms?
and why?

I need some advice pls in this matter, thanks!

Oh and fuck QFC, i tried to buy condoms from their yesterday and they apparently don't carry them. So I had to buy some from the small street corner shop run by an old asian couple. So basically I bought condoms from an old asian lady. very awkward moment.

Just get some RID along with your purchase...it'll distract them off the condos.

Last month I got some from an old East Indian lady at Bartells. Got lucky, they don't know what they are. :cool:
Am I the only person who makes jokes while buying condoms if the clerk gives you an odd look?

"Yeah, I just don't want the chance of any sheep-human hybrids running around in this world. Safe sex!"
I didn't. But 11% of males qualify for them, we have a good-sized population of males here, so the odds are at least one uses those.

You being the first post after I said it was just humorously coincidental.
What condoms do you prefer Emily?

I was gonna post a picture of surgical gloves because I like to make them into balloons when I'm at the doctor's office. Then reality kicked in that ya'll would give it a different meaning. So I stopped.

So I'll post this instead. Jesse and I found this on campus last year.
They invented rebreathers for a reason. I know a nice humpback whale with 11 feet of action, he said he can wrap it in a dolphin if you like.
Check she's void of aids and then make her have A) Coil fitted B) Take the pill or C) Get an injection. Condom use should be avoided if possible.

I realise that the overwhelming amount of literature here and in the U.S would have you believe condoms are the Saviour of Man, but I'll tell you right now they absolutely suck.

If you need any specialised "Catholic" prevention techniques, I can give good advice on that also.