What kind of coat do you wear?

I slay bovine and make garments of their flesh.

I'm not proud of this but apparently my great granddad walked passed a seal on the beach once and it grunted at him so he beat it to death, skinned it and brought the skin home, which he then fashioned into some item of clothing or a bag (I can't remember) for my Grandmother, then a little girl.

This was almost 100 years ago though so whatever.
I don't actually own a coat because I generally don't like wearing coats/jackets. Though maybe if I look around online and find a nice one then I'll buy one.
and the jacket he is wearing in his avatar committed suicide after he took it off. It just couldn't deal with it any more.

...well i used to wear them
...come to think of it i never wore them at all.

Freaking weak dude. I have to wear three of these or they burst. I cut the top off one of them so I can fit it sround my shaft then wear the third one to hold it all together.

How can you live in Canada with no coat?

It's only cold during winter...The place where I live is often referred to as a "semi-desert." Winters here aren't usually bad except for this past winter which was incredibly cold.

And besides, wearing a jacket just makes me look fat. :blush:

Voss is a vampire, they are unaffected by the cold ldo.

psha, yah.

and the jacket he is wearing in his avatar committed suicide after he took it off. It just couldn't deal with it any more.

It's not a jacket, it's just a short-sleeve collared shirt.