what kind of guitar used in the gallery


New Metal Member
Sep 21, 2009
just starting learning guitar and really the gallery was inspiration for even learning. that being said its a little hard to get the full effect on any metal songs with an acoustic, so im in the market for an electric. far and away the best sounding electric guitar ive ever heard is the one that comes screeching in at 0:15 or so into punish my heaven. you know the one. the one that to this day sends chills down my spine every time i hear it.

anybody know the make and model of the guitar used in this (and other) songs? thanks
well i'll say this...that the guitar sound you get on the album has less to do with the GUITAR than you think..you need right amp and processors and shit too. and the right pick ups and strings. and EVERYTHING to get the exact sound and it still wont be right, i've been down that road.lol. my opinion if your just learning...dont get anything to flashy get something really basic..and a small amp...like...50 watts. then once you've got your bearings worry about the other stuff.
Hope this is not too off topic ...

DT does not downtune to B. The early albums (up to the Gallery) were all in E flat. The mind's Eye and Projector are in C#. The band went back to E flat for Haven (probably because of the line up changes). The band went back to C# with Damage Done and Character. However, the band had something new in their tunings.......
The song "the endless feed" is in Drop B and it really works well for that song and should be used again on future recordings.
as far as the DT guitar sound, i dont really know what amps they use, but both Nicklas and Martin use Gibson Les Pauls, Explorers and SG's. Pickups are stock from what i know.

Hi guys!

Firefest was absolutely right about the tunings, it's C# except for The Endless Feed...
We use V-amps live, cost about 150 € ! Stopped using my Rocktron Prophesy (1800 €) after Damage Done touring because it fucked up all the time :erk: And Niklas' Chameleon just simply died.
Anyway, for Character we used a mix of Peavey 5150 and Mesa Boogie Rectifier, not dubbed this time around (as opposed to Haven and Damage Done). Played mainly with a Gibson Les Paul studio with Seymour Duncan Screamin Deamon pickup.
Oh yeah, and Pro-Tools :headbang:

I'm pretty sure Fredrik Johansson used a Strat but you should double-check the old footage of them playing in the DVDs they released when he was in the band, Zodijackyl Light (VHS, 1996, Osmose Productions) and World Domination (VHS, 1998, Osmose Productions). There might be footage of these DVDs on youtube, I'm too lazy to look at the moment.

Not sure what "screeching" you are talking about at 00:15 of the song either. In the part after the intro riff I believe they are tapping the frets (called fret tapping) of the guitar with the hand that holds the pick.