What makes a good album ?

Cold Gin

Aug 8, 2002
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Looking at the different "best album" threads in the past, Operation: Mindcrime is always among the best. And yes, I often vote for that album as well. However, althought I agree it is a great album, I hardly play it, and if, then only a few songs and CD is put back again for the next couple of months. So is it really one of the best albums to me ? Do you guys play O:M that often, or why do so many people regard OM as one of the best ever ? What makes a good album ? Singer, bass, guitars, riffs, drums, ...?
My (new!) criteria is simply how often I play it, and do I want to play it again over and over. No for O:M ! Yes for Sonic Dynamite/ Pink Cream 69, Blackout/ Scorpions, Metus Mortis/ Brainstorm and others. I can´t really tell you why.
Good thread!
I cant really explain what makes a good album good to me... but I agree with this line you wrote! "My criteria is simply how often I play it, and do I want to play it again over and over" thats basiclly it for me too :D
Cold Gin said:
Do you guys play O:M that often, or why do so many people regard OM as one of the best ever ? What makes a good album ? Singer, bass, guitars, riffs, drums, ...?

I still play it a fair bit. I played the hell out of it back in the day and for years afterwards. I can still to this day throw it on and enjoy it from the first track to the last. And there are still portions of it that give me chills.

So what makes a great album? Dunno. I'd say staying power over the years with an individual. What makes O:M a great album to me? The way the lyrics, music, vocals, and mood fit so well together from front to back.

Cold Gin said:
My (new!) criteria is simply how often I play it, and do I want to play it again over and over. No for O:M ! Yes for Sonic Dynamite/ Pink Cream 69, Blackout/ Scorpions, Metus Mortis/ Brainstorm and others. I can´t really tell you why.

Sounds like a good way to do it. Who cares about why? Just enjoy the ride. :D
What makes an album great is when there is no "filler" on it... ya know how some cds you play, there is that one track that just isn't as good... and sometimes you find yourself skipping it??

Discs like Overkill/Years of Decay, Metallica/Master of Puppets, Accept/Restless & Wild, etc, etc.... these are discs that you pop in and leave in for a long period of time. I remember the first copy of Master i had was on cassette, and it was in the tape deck in my car all summer. I went to pop it out that fall and the cassette shell had melted to the inside of the deck... LOL

That is the definition of a good album......:loco:
ZoMb!M@N said:
I remember the first copy of Master i had was on cassette, and it was in the tape deck in my car all summer. I went to pop it out that fall and the cassette shell had melted to the inside of the deck... LOL

Now thats METAL! :headbang:

I agree the best albums have very little filler.... for me a great album is if I find myself bangin' my head and singing along from the first track to the last! If I fall asleep :zzz: or zone out :erk: along the way, its not a stellar album.
A good album is one with almost no fillers I agree with Zomb, and moreover that leave you a lasting impression.

Judas Priest - "Unleashed In The East"
Deep Purple - "Nobody's Perfect"
Thin Lizzy - "Jailbreak"

sixxswine said:
To answer the question... Bob Rock...

He's made a big difference in alot of bands..... I've always like The Cult... when "Sonic Temple" came out, the production was so much better.... great record, as is Beyond Good & Evil if ya haven't checked it out
I forgot another definition, when the album pass by lightning fast.

Have you ever put a new album and get so much into it than suddenly it finishes, and it's like shit I can't believe it this is so good. When that happens to me I know I have a great album.

More to my list:

Helloween - "Keeper Of The Seven Keys pt.1"
Judas Priest - "Painkiller"
Black Sabbath - "Heaven And Hell"
Iron maiden - "Killers"
What makes a good album??? It's gotta be real. There are so many great albums in different genres but the best ones in each always seem to have a certain energy or chemistry to them that never gets old...APPETITE FOR DESTRUCTION. How many millions of times have you heard that?? And you may never in your life dig out the cd and play it again...but if you hear PARADISE CITY come on the radio, your ass will shake like a dog shittin' peach seeds! If not...check your pulse!


Those are some great albums. Hell, you don't even have to name the bands..the albums speak for themself. If I say AMONG THE LIVING you know who it is. And it's just as good today as it was 15 years ago.
Seriously, what makes a great record? When everything comes together & it is all captured on tape, I guess now on disc.
I think TVF mentioned some great examples of popular choices, there are some other like the Cult's Sonic Temple, which is a great one, Motley Crue's MC '94, everything clicked, from the drum sound to Mick's blues inspired delivery, Corabi's raspy Steven Tyler influence vocals to Glenn Hughes' background vocals... What a record!
sixxswine said:
Seriously, what makes a great record? When everything comes together & it is all captured on tape, I guess now on disc.
I think TVF mentioned some great examples of popular choices, there are some other like the Cult's Sonic Temple, which is a great one, Motley Crue's MC '94, everything clicked, from the drum sound to Mick's blues inspired delivery, Corabi's raspy Steven Tyler influence vocals to Glenn Hughes' background vocals... What a record!

I Agree MC'94 is a Great album and a underrated gem!!!
A great album to me simply has something about it that your average record does not. For me, I suppose it is one that has no fillers, is not overly repetitive, and also one that stands out above its genre. A good album is one that I keep going back to and never tire of, and one that I can't help but sing along/bang my head to.