What makes a good review?

Thanks Wanderingblade... could it be because I described the music more in the KSE review? It's interesting, because personally I prefer the Isis review (if I can speak objectively about my own writing, of course...) because (to me) I think it got across more of the 'feeling' of listening to the album...
if theres a review in a magazine it would be nice if all the reviewers had their top5 bands and/or recent playlists or something so that we know the type of music he/she likes. i mean we'll know to maybe ignore or just keep in mind that a poor review of Katatonia's new album for example is backed-up by the fact the reviewer hates bands simillar to them, and an excellent review might be biased with a top 5 including 3 katatonia albums or something...

anyway as a general rule i dont take too much notice of reviews unless i've seen the reviewer give some albums i like a lot good reviews, not only by marks but if he says the things you think, on simillar bands you might share the same opinions.

oh well i just find that HMV's 21 day money back thingy is best, buy 2 cds at a time (something you know you'll like, and if your feeling experimental one you just like the song titles/cover art), if you dont like one, or even 2, just send them back and get another 2...and if you like the band you know nothing about, then you've got yourself a find :)
oh oh oh, and there should be a thingy where it says: this album is like...and list a few bands and the album its like. i dont exactly mean like a clone...um, an example maybe being. if you like katatonia you might like...The Gathering, Lacuna Coil, Opeth. or something. things like that can be helpful and tempt you to buy all the bands albums listed :grin:
It's cool to describe a band according to who they sound like, but only when the band is new or not very popular. If a reviewer starts telling me who a band like Today is the Day, Nile, In Flames, Emperor, etc. sounds like, I find it insulting to me and especially the to the band. Sometimes bands outgrow comparison, and they can only be compared to themselves. I talk about that exact issue in my Nile review.