What master sounds best? Metallica Cover


Oct 5, 2008
So I've mastered a song (Thorn within) I've recorded using 4 different settings.

Loud Masters are -6.2 threshold on the limiter
Soft Masters are -3.2 threshold on the limiter

Bright 15k boost
Dull no 15k boost

Dull and Soft
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1794391/Heinrich - Thorn Within(Final)DullAndSoft.mp3

Dull and Loud
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1794391/Heinrich - Thorn Within(Final)DullAndLoud.mp3

Bright and Soft
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1794391/Heinrich - Thorn Within(Final)BrightAndSoft.mp3

Bright and Loud
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1794391/Heinrich - Thorn Within(Final)BrightAndLoud.mp3


1.) Except for different DB levels can you pick up any changes in dynamics between the loud and soft masters?

2.) can you hear a lack of punch on the snare on the loud masters compared to the softer master?

3.) Dull Or Bright master? Which one sounds better?

4.) Soft or Loud master? Which one sounds better?

I actually struggle to find any differences between the loud and soft mixes.

Maybe some fresh and trained ears can point out these differences?

Thanks in advance :rock:
The difference is so little its very hard to say anything about it...

But i would prefer bright and soft. Loud ones are bit more undynamic and i think the soft would fit better to the music.
The difference is so little its very hard to say anything about it...

But i would prefer bright and soft. Loud ones are bit more undynamic and i think the soft would fit better to the music.

I'm listening on headphones now so I can't tell the difference between the bright and dull mix. Could you tell the difference between bright and dull?

Thanks for the input :)
Well... the bright master is... brighter :P Listen to the crashes, you'll hear it. I prefer the loud and dull version, it sounds more like the original. The bright version is unnecessary harsher. Good mix by the way ;)
Well... the bright master is... brighter :P Listen to the crashes, you'll hear it. I prefer the loud and dull version, it sounds more like the original. The bright version is unnecessary harsher. Good mix by the way ;)

Thanks man ;) Did you hear any difference between dynamics? especially the snare and toms?