what Mayhem should I get???

Pure Fucking Armageddon demo/rehearsal
De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas
Live In Leipzig
Dawn Of The Black Hearts
Jihad/Freezing Moon (split with The Meads Of Asphodel)
anyone who says GDOW needs their ears checked.

for recs, Cythraul pretty much hit the nail on the head
DMDS is their best, IMO. But IMO Mayhem are the weakest of the big four second wave Noregian bm bands (Mayhem, Darkthrone, Burzum, Immortal).
You mean Emperor and Satyricon aren't in the big 4?o_O
And I'd get the albums without Attila on it, namely Live in Leipzig and Deathcrush and possibly Chimera.
There is no 'big 4.' It would have to be 5 to include Emperor. They were just as big, if not bigger than Immortal, especially considering Samoth actually played a role in church arsons, Faust killed a guy, etc. They were definitely more connected. Satyricon came later though, along with Ulver, Gorgoroth, Hades, Helheim, etc.