What Music are your Friends/Relatives/etc into?

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Brainiac :)
May 16, 2003
As everybody is complaining about the silence here, i thought i start a new thread, as this subject interests me since 2 minutes ago when i chatted with a friend about music. May we have some activity for the next days :)!

So what music are your friends into?

My friends are mostly not into metal, which is sometimes a bit hard for me at birthday parties, as there is always *not* the right music and only a few songs that are at least rock or hardrock. Some listen to "New-Rock" or whatever you call it, stuff like System of a down (which is actually not too bad, but i cant listen to it all the time like they do :Smug: ). Also there is something like the In Flames and Metallica "Majority", also not too bad, but still not my real musical taste. I don´t know when i started it but for a few months i am singing metal songs in my mind when there is only crap played at a party :rock:.

I got my father convinced of metal for a few months now, he also was with me at the Brainstorm Tour beginning of 05 and took the long ride to frankenthal with me when Brainstorm played there in September. Maybe je is also attending when i´m going to Greding in May, but i don´t know yet wether i´m going to spend 6 hours in the car and 4 times more money for the petrol than for the tickets :confused:. One thing i never expected is that he also likes Mercenary :grin:. He also listens to Bluesrock actually not to bad, at least real music with cool guitars :cool:. My Mother is not into any special musical genre, recent music and 80's stuff. My Brother actually was into metal a few years ago and i think thats the reason why i am now, too, but he is into more quiet electronic Music (Kraftwerk, Jean Michell Jarre, etc) now.

Actually there is just a few people i deal with that are at least a bit into metal (the "metal" we like ;)) but i think i can count them on one hand.

now its your turn to make this an intersting thread, don´t complain about its sillyness, fill it with activity! :)

ah well, i really dont have many friends (around here) that are into the stuff i am. i have 2...one is my guitarist, another is a fellow drummer.

my brother is very much into metal...he does really like brainstorm, but hes not too much of a power metal freak like me..(guardian, hammerfall, strato, lozt horizon, rhapsody, etc)

the rest of my family likes crap...as do my friends.
Since I've been a fanatic member of the metal scene for like 25 years, I can say that most my friends are into metal. I usually don't have so much in common with non-metalheads, because my life is filled with metal related things mostly. A few friends I have that are not into metal like a lot of mainstream pop music and some rock music I think. I also used to have friends that were totally into 50s rock&roll - lifestyle, looks, house interior etc. We did connect because even though the scenes are different there are a lot of similarities in our being so fanatic about one particular music style.

My father is 87 so don't except any love for metal there hehe! He listens to old traditional stuff I guess... does WDR 4 ring a bell, SJ? ;) My mom was the same I think, may have liked a few radio songs occasionally (as far as I can remember, she died 20 years ago). Very conservative folks at least musically.

My brother is 6 years older than me, so he's 48. He used to love Pink Floyd, Melanie, Yes and other pop/rock music when we were young. I know he's a fan of Sting and other quality pop if I can call it that, but we live a couple of hours apart and therefore I don't really talk about music with him often. His teenage sons like metal though! More the newish style still, but I hope they learn more about real metal too;) I guess I should be making way more samplers for them than I do now ;)
Marlies said:
I usually don't have so much in common with non-metalheads, because my life is filled with metal related things mostly.

exactly dude. other than music, i am really into video games...such as WoW, Rome-total war, Diablo II (kinda a thing of the past that 1 is though), AOE, and so on. i also love ancient and medieval times...but anything after 1500 is too modernized for me. i love fantasy based stuff like LOTR and warcraft. the movies i watch and books i read all have to do with these things as well. i think it all ties in becasue many of the bands i listen have interest in this stuff, many songs are about it. not all the bands, but they still across the feel. i just don't normally meat a whole lot of non-metalheads into these things the same way i am into them.

the only oddball is i love to play baseball...lol
Marlies said:
does WDR 4 ring a bell, SJ? ;)

Ding, ding, ding, ding... yes it does :p

Marlies said:
His teenage sons like metal though! More the newish style still, but I hope they learn more about real metal too;) I guess I should be making way more samplers for them than I do now ;)

Train them a "good musical taste" ;)!

My wife´s favorite bands are Bon Jovi, Toto, Eagles etc, so that works pretty well :cool:

My daughter (nearly 3) loves Rolf Zukowski und seine Freunde, Schni-Schna-Schnappi, and Tuff Tuff Tuff die Eisenbahn ... guess that is ok as well

My Dad is 67 and actually a Jazz Fan. Since a couple of years though he loves Eric Clapton and Chris Rea. Rock on Dad ! :rock:

My Mom is more Placido Domingo .... no thanks

I hardly have friends that are into metal, so that is a problem when I want to go to concerts. I often end up going alone. A lot of my friends don´t really bother too much about specific music, they just listen to the charts and are happy. I actually like a lot of pop music stuff as well, so that is no problem. I am just happy that nobody of my friends is a Hipp Hopper or something like that. Now that would be a problem ...

Hi out there,

I´m new on this board and this is the perfect thread to start, I think. Most ppl around me are definitely not into metal, but there are some very old friends who are. My husband is not that much into metal, but I could convince him concerning brainstorm. When it comes to my kids, it is funny: They like all the stuff other kids at their age (7 and 4) like, too. As Carina dances in a kids "team" , she loves most of the Top Ten, esp. Madonnas "Hung up", because it`s their latest choreography. But they sing along with BS... and its amusing when Fabian (4) shouts: Mummy, I like to listen to the monster song! They are used to it, because they listen to BS very often and I try to teach them a good taste concerning music!!;)

My wife is into country and some Harry Connick, Jr but nothing heavy. I still have my old Metal friends, but I rarely let people I just meet know what exactly I listen to. It's too difficult to explain...like why the sky is blue!

Now that us metalheads from the 80's are growing up, we are starting families and having careers. You can't look at people in their 30s and determine if they're into Metal or not like you could back in high school. You don't see Iron Maiden patches on laptop bags!
Static Acts said:
My wife is into country and some Harry Connick, Jr but nothing heavy. I still have my old Metal friends, but I rarely let people I just meet know what exactly I listen to. It's too difficult to explain...like why the sky is blue!

Full ack. When older people ( > 40) ask me, i usually say something like "Hard Rock and a bit harder" :), they usually don´t ask any further. Only when they (and thats only a small part of them) ask what music i exactly listen to i tell them a bit more precisley

Static Acts said:
Now that us metalheads from the 80's are growing up, we are starting families and having careers. You can't look at people in their 30s and determine if they're into Metal or not like you could back in high school. You don't see Iron Maiden patches on laptop bags!

Hehe, i am not that old yet, but i can say i never looked really like a metalhead, not that i don´t like it to see some real-Metalheads at festivals(!). But you´re right, in most Jobs you can´t look how you want to look... imagine a bank clerk wearing a Man-long leather coat and long black hair ;). Its always quite funny for me if you get to know people a bit better and realize they like the same music than you but you couldn´t know it because you couldn´t have imagined it.

@Metal Mum: keep on teaching ;)

Good Thread! :grin:

I listen to Metal Constantly, its the one thing I truely love to do. So the people around me have no choice but to get into it!

My Mother likes everything from Classical to Metal Except RAP and 99% of country, She LOVES Savatage, Hammerfall, Fates Warning, Black Label Society, Dreamscape, Manowar and many others ... She even likes Borknagar when Mr.V isnt Growling hehehe

My best friend Jesse and I have been Metal Partners in crime for well over a decade now. We started out liking most of the same bands, But as we have aged my tastes have mellowed a little(Discovered Prog/Power) and his has gotten more extreme(To Much Death Metal) I will be on a Dreamscape Kick and Jesse will be listening to "Mutilated Death Carcass - Ripping Screaming Bloody Mess Part XVI" and it just clashes some times

My Sis is a Metal Head and she likes stuff like Into Eternity, Flotsam and Jetsam, Tad Morose, Manowar(Manowar runs in the family) but she also likes The Ramones and some other Mellow stuff that I cant recall at the moment

I have several other friends that are either not that much into metal or are not at all ... Their Tastes Range from the Doors to Rap/Pop crap and everything in between
I love your sis already :grin: I just can't understand how a girl can love Manowar with their horrible attitudes :rolleyes:

Static Acts said:
Now that us metalheads from the 80's are growing up, we are starting families and having careers. You can't look at people in their 30s and determine if they're into Metal or not like you could back in high school. You don't see Iron Maiden patches on laptop bags!

I'm planning to put something on my new laptop bag... :)
Nico and I are 45 en 42 and we look like metalheads most of the time. One of my bosses however loves metal too (although he's not really familiar with bands and the whole scene, he e.g. has cds of Guns'n'Roses and Nirvana;)) and he looks like the average office guy;) I have a small cd player on my desk and he often comes by and asks what I brought with me this time ;)
Metal Mum said:
Hi out there,

I´m new on this board and this is the perfect thread to start, I think. Most ppl around me are definitely not into metal, but there are some very old friends who are. My husband is not that much into metal, but I could convince him concerning brainstorm. When it comes to my kids, it is funny: They like all the stuff other kids at their age (7 and 4) like, too. As Carina dances in a kids "team" , she loves most of the Top Ten, esp. Madonnas "Hung up", because it`s their latest choreography. But they sing along with BS... and its amusing when Fabian (4) shouts: Mummy, I like to listen to the monster song! They are used to it, because they listen to BS very often and I try to teach them a good taste concerning music!!;)


w00t w00t!!! you are most welcome here. please check by often!! :rock:

JonnyD said:
I love Playing Baseball! I'm terrible at it but its fun!

indeed! although, im not too shabby, been playing it my whole life.
No-Mercy said:
indeed! although, im not too shabby, been playing it my whole life.

I played it for a good portion of my life ... but I have never been all that athletic ... its different for you! you play drums! hehehe nowadays I just Smoke Ciggs and play bass :grin: ... I cant wait to have kids though So I can teach them all about the game!
Marlies said:
I love your sis already :grin: I just can't understand how a girl can love Manowar with their horrible attitudes :rolleyes:

I dont get it either! but I knew this year for Christmas if I bought Mom a Manowar poster I would have to buy sis one too! I wouldnt have made it out alive! :lol: .... When my Nephew was born My Sister had the nurses play "Warriors of the World" during the delivery ... and he is a Metal Kid too actually hehehe Two years old and he LOVES Angra! :grin:
JonnyD said:
I played it for a good portion of my life ... but I have never been all that athletic ... its different for you! you play drums! hehehe nowadays I just Smoke Ciggs and play bass :grin: ... I cant wait to have kids though So I can teach them all about the game!

im sure you'll teach em well! w00t, haha. indeed, a great game it is.

Marlies said:
I love your sis already :grin: I just can't understand how a girl can love Manowar with their horrible attitudes :rolleyes:

i believe its ManOwaR....:p
No-Mercy said:
w00t w00t!!! you are most welcome here. please check by often!! :rock:
I promise I will try to, but usually there is very little time because of my job and my husband and my other typical housewife duties! But I remember how
difficult it was to explain little Fab that we would not take him with us when we went to BS in Ludwigsburg - he was very disappointed. I bought one of the devil shirts and he wanted one, too... Would have been a really cool Kindergarten outfit, I think:grin:

