What Music Have You Bought Recently?

Got my first Canterbury album! About damn time, too.

Also got:
Bought at a second hand store today:

Ani Difranco - Reprieve
Never heard of her before, I just though the cover artwork looked nice, I took a chance and bought it, the songs seems nice.


CoF - Thornography
Yeahyeah, I know, I just took it cause I have all of their other albums.


Pain of Salvation - Remedy Lane
I Only had it downloaded on the computer, decided to grab it with me.
^ Good choice, I'm well into DTB at the moment :)

I've had this on MP3 for a long time now - finally did the decent thing bought it.


I'm having a bit of a Thordendahl phase.
^great picks again. the brahms concerto is one of the genuine highlights of the violin literature, and hilary hahn is pretty talented (and good-looking :)) i haven't heard that particular hesperion xx/jordi savall recording. tell us something about it when you get to listen to it.
^great picks again. the brahms concerto is one of the genuine highlights of the violin literature, and hilary hahn is pretty talented (and good-looking :)) i haven't heard that particular hesperion xx/jordi savall recording. tell us something about it when you get to listen to it.
Yes, I have been loving Hilary Hahn's playing on the soundtrack to "The Village" so naturally I had to check out her other works. And I have heard the Hesperion recordings, which I found to be amazing, very enjoyable music. I am so far liking this as an introduction which I needed for Early Music. :)
on the way:
Bass Communion - Loss
Birchville Cat Motel - Curved Surface Destroyer
Black Boned Angel - Eternal Hunger
Boris - Flood
Deathprod - Morals & Dogma
Drumcorps - Grist
Electric Wizard - Dopethrone
Esoteric - The Pernicious Enigma
Irr. App. (Ext.) - Perkelunchie
Johann Johannsson - IBM 1401: A User's Manual
Mouth Of Architect - Time & Withering
Mouth Of Architect - The Ties That Bind
Nightbringer / Temple Of Not - Rex Ex Ordine Throni
Robert Henke - Layering Buddha
Sleep - Dopesmoker
Starving Weirdo's - Father Guru
Svarte Greiner - Knive
The Angelic Process - We All Die Laughing
The Angelic Process - Sigh
The Angelic Process - ...And Your Blood Is Full Of Honey
The Gault - Even As All Before Us
Watson, Chris, & BJ Nelson - Storm
Woburn House - Message To Ourselves Outside The Dreaming Machine
haha... 250 cds... thats fairly ridiculous. i reckon ive picked up about 20. and thats emptying the wallet out! most of them are spur of the moment things like i see something good in a bargain bin. theyre the ones that kill me:p
too much, my regular record shop is closing down and so the guy is selling all vinyl for 10p each