What new songs they did live with Dan?


Senile Member
Apr 5, 2005
I'd be curious to know what new songs they did live with Dan? So far I've only found these:


Revolution Screams

Fight 'Em Till You Can't

New Noise (Refused cover?)

Earth On Hell


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Fight Em and Vamprys are the best, or however they are spelling it.. There was something on Robs Facebook, or still is something which is just a lead selection of a song that just sounds amazing! Very very cool. If this record ever comes out I'll be a happy camper to heard it, and with Mr. Bush on the vox... yeah!!!!! Everything else out there sucks balls. And um sorry... Megadeath was done with they release that "Crush'em" song... Sorry, I just don't believe you sell out and then try to "recapture" your past glory, hence the reason why few bands do. Oh I said it!