What other band's boards do you visit and post on?


Dec 16, 2002
You will find me on Megadeth and Metallica's boards at times - usually replying to Anthrax related posts???

only other board that i consistently posted was on damageplan,that board is no longer.

i might start posting on black label society,they seem pretty cool over there.
^^^ Good luck with everything Mate - hope everything works out for you both.
i like your avatar ian! they just started a new BPRD mini but the shop right next to where i work doesn't carry them. so i'm gonna have to make a trip.
i was hellboy for halloween it rocked.

I post on the Camp CHaos Board whioch is not a band but a webtoon site and i frequent the Type O and monstermagnet boards but thats just for rumors thier mostly whiney bitches on those boards.
I pretty much only post on boards where i'm friends with someone in the band. It's funny hearing the dirt and posting dirt on your friends. Oh ya, saw Bush's baby on Monday..... what a sweetie.


Chris Broderick
Jag Panzer
Steve Smyth
Armored Saint
Type O Negative
I used to post on Tabcrawler quite a lot (as Sgt D) but the posts got fucking boring and childish. So now i give Anthrax exlusive rights top my postings well at least music wise. I also visit www.redultras.net for footy stuff with all my Aberdonian buddies...