What other boards does everyone post at?

yeah that's only for the really really really hardcore fans. I would never learn Elvish because it's not used anywhere else in the world, but that's just me. How it sparks others' interests I will never know, but I do like the general discussions and LOTR things, so I registered at LOTR Plaza. GR and Charubic Murderer, what are your names on the site and under what kingdom are you in? I am Loric Teomir of Gondor on the boards.
Life Sucks said:
So I guess I'm not the only hardcore gym rat on these boards.
Dude, I've been on the BB boards forever. I used to be mods at a few, including bolex back in the day. I hardly have ANY time nowadays with a 60hr work week job including a girlfriend. Makes it hard to squeeze in any extra time for anything aside from the gym. Oh well. :(
NocturnalSun said:
yeah that's only for the really really really hardcore fans. I would never learn Elvish because it's not used anywhere else in the world, but that's just me. How it sparks others' interests I will never know, but I do like the general discussions and LOTR things, so I registered at LOTR Plaza. GR and Charubic Murderer, what are your names on the site and under what kingdom are you in? I am Loric Teomir of Gondor on the boards.
im such a nerd. im thoron on there. gondor kingdom

both the large portion of my signature and the bit under my avatar are in sindarin (elvish common tongue). and im still planning on getting my tattoo done. i just gotta figure out if i want to spend the cash right now or not hehe
BloodStainedWalls said:
Dude, I've been on the BB boards forever. I used to be mods at a few, including bolex back in the day. I hardly have ANY time nowadays with a 60hr work week job including a girlfriend. Makes it hard to squeeze in any extra time for anything aside from the gym. Oh well. :(
Too bad you don't have time to work out anymore. I still magane to squeeze it in, even though I am in grad school and work 15 hours a week. But if I had a girlfriend in addition to that, then maybe I wouldn't have time either.