What other message boards do you frequent?

The Akercocke forums. Occasionally the Norther forums, but I haven't visited them in a while. I suppose I'll post soon there... kind of miss it actually.
well I might as well do the count up too:

- World of Darkness - My own forum (sig)
- Black Goat website's forum (slipknotforum where I pwn the n00bs and get banned for that all the time :p )
- Nightmarecult (used to)
- DBZ-media (dutch anime forum, but not that frequent)
- area51newmexico (general forum of the website with all sorts of adult discussions)
- Oink! forums (the forums of a private torrent site)

and I signed up for about 10 more that I don't or rarely visit anymore

GameFAQs mods are such fucking tools. Sometimes I don't even know why I post there anymore but then I remember 235 can be pretty entertaining and most of the vets there know what they are talking about. So I guess it serves some purpose.

Yeah, haha between the awful trolls and wEEman's often hilariously overdone posts I am constantly amused. I mean, it is one thing to type like that on an intellectual site ... but on gamefaqs "This shit is amazing" works alot better than "The melody juxstaposes properly with the counterbalanced counterpoint and creates a swirly-whirly thing of penultimate metallic doom and catharsis.