What part of a woman gives you a boner?

Whatever, I'm never mentioning Shakespeare's name again because that english exam has made me hate him. From now on all "kingdom for a ...." references are to do with Sonata Arctica :rofl:
i bet black core often stands at his window in the moonlight and says "o mima o mima wherefore art thou across this sea of sorrow?"
No, he just e-flirts excessively "hey laidies come look at my pics! (then get in my bed)"
women with nice cheekbones are very attrative, just like i like men with nice cheekbones. :)

and men here look at the chest first, trust me... :mad:
if you're trying to get a girl it would be nice to glance at her chest, not stare! it really pisses me off, and i'm sure i'm not the only one.
and men here look at the chest first, trust me... :mad:
if you're trying to get a girl it would be nice to glance at her chest, not stare! it really pisses me off, and i'm sure i'm not the only one.

Yes,pisses me off too. Although I can't really help if they uh...stand out too much,I guess....

the worst is when they're grabbed at, that really pisses me off
Canada is built of ghey and fail. the only cool thing about it is leniency for marijauna. besides that it is filled with gheyz0rz trying to sodomize you. same thing for england except the marijuana thing so they are totally ghey.
:rolleyes: I forgot that America is sooooo much better... I wish my country was throwing its money away in a pointless war, had a fucked up gun culture that costs countless of innocent lives, was the number 1 terrorist target and was hated the world over by most nations, developed or not.

But we're not, I guess Canada is just ghey that way.

Btw if you think a country is amazing based on the tolerance for drugs, then go to the netherlands... or fuck, maybe you'd like Afghanistan more. :rolleyes:
:rolleyes: I forgot that America is sooooo much better... I wish my country was throwing it's money away in a pointless war, had a fucked up gun culture that costs countless of innocent lives, was the number 1 terrorist target and was hated the world over by most nations, developed or not.

Owned :lol:

The USA is also the MEDC (More Economically Developed Country for those of you who didn't listen in Geography :p) with the highest poverty rate in the world soooo....
and as a person born in the US and living in the US currently right now, I can say that I totally agree with you, Heartless_Name and Swabs.
We suck.
okay I was going to amend that but nope. We just suck.