What *perks* came with GB this year?

Yippee38 said:
The FAQ just says "special perks*, but does not elaborate. I know they get to enter early, but what else justifies the extra $. I'm just curious.
The biggest perk for me is knowing that the Gold Badge purchase provides Glenn with some funds to pay expenses leading up to ProgPower, before he's able to access the money from Ticketmaster sales.
Here is the deal. About 80% of the Gold Badge members have been with me since the first show. They are fully aware that without their support, I cannot do this show. Thus, most keep their badge out of the love of the genre and to keep me afloat. Gold Badge holders are more like my family to be honest.

As for the perks, I slacked a bit this year. I had a few problems come up and simply couldn't do an "A+" effort this time out. However, here is what they get provided I get things done on time:

1. Early entrance to the venue to cherry pick the vendors and grab the seats they want.

2. A private hour with the bands at the pre-party and a private bar. It's up to the bands as for how well this goes.

3. Automatic tickets for next year. People tend to forget that I have sold out for two years straight and that I anticipate the ticket becoming harder to get as I will be keeping the show at Earthlink and not expanding.

4. Merchandise discounts.

5. Private lottery for prizes such as backstage passes and signed items.

6. Exclusive mailing list with updates.

7. Whatever the hell else I can come up with.

Glenn H.
At the Pre-Party we were allowed access to a VIP lounge with a private bar away from everyone else where the bands would go to escape the masses.

We were allowed access to the venue an hour early which was nice because I was able to get a lot of shopping done in this time when there weren't as many people in my way.

Email updates from the main man Glenn.

Guaranteed tickets for next year.

Honestly I don't feel the perks were THAT amazing. But I will continue to buy them because I like the idea of supporting the best metal festivle in the US.

And not having to give your money to Ticketmaster is cool. After the ticketmaster "rape you in the ass" fees are applied the GB is only like $20 more.

oh and I liked how I was just able to flash my badge and walk into the venue after I would exit durring the show. Not really a perk. But it was kinda nice.
The perks arent much, But it helps Glenn.. (anyone who has ever promoted or produced anything should realize a large amount of cash is needed up front and you dont get any of it back until after the production is completed)

and anyway of fucking ticketbastard out of their insane fees they gouge the promoter and the ticket buyer for... is well ....awesome!

I wish Glenn could sell tickets all through himself, I really hate ticketbastard
Honestly, I was so impressed with this show (my first one) that I'd GLADLY buy tickets way in advance through Glenn to help him cover the costs of the next PP. Seriously, I'd do it, even if I didn't get gold badge membership. I'm just sorry that I missed out on the first three!

-- Laura
4. Merchandise discounts.

5. Private lottery for prizes such as backstage passes and signed items.

7. Whatever the hell else I can come up with.

Merchandise discounts would've helped me this year :(

Drawings?? sweet, wonder if I won a date with Tarja, no? Ok, how about the bartender at the private bar in Riviera? No? umm the cute bartender by the vendors at Earthlink? No? grrrrr What else could there be?

Glenn seems to be one of the coolest people I've BRIEFLY met and "whatever the hell he comes up with" will probably be damn cool.

This was my 1st year as a GB holder and the 4 of us aren't giving them up, in fact I have 1-2 friends that want in on that action now as well.
I'm sure this has been asked a thousand times, but how can I get ahold of a gold badge, is there a pre-sale for them or a waiting list?