what poland think of SEROTONAL

quick one (sorry for any mistakes, also some sentences (as always) were hard to be fully - with all sense - translated)

Serotonal is new project of a man who isn't unknown - Darren White (ex-Anathema, ex-The Blood Divine), found together with Gary Hill and Jon Francis-White. His idead was to created a soundtrack of the end of the world, where Darren appeared as a lyrics writer and the duo as the composers. Interesting idea indeed. So does execution. On the CD promoting the end of everything there are only 4 tracks lasting together a bit over 10 minutes, but I think that these a few minutes is worth much more than things Darren did for Anathema. Serotonal's music is hard to classify, experimental combination of a few genres, balancing on the edge of doom (i mean lyrics and general climate), alternative rock and even dark ambient (And the Visions Show Us). Calm and balanced music. If anyone is looking for heavy parts, the CD is not for him, although the band is saying that future output will be enriched with them. As yet, Serotonal is successful mix of above-mentioned genres plus big speck of electronics. Darren's vocals are also mainly building atmosphere of melancholy and calmness. Therefore with no doubt I can reccommend The End of Everything to everyone who loves climatic music and is not afaid of musical experiments.
i have just got your e-mail but you beat me to it! :D
nice one mate.
anyway this is good for our first review. so all is well :Spin:
:Spam: :Spam: :Spam: :
all we need now is our own forum so we can stop spamming this peacefull place :tickled: .
only joking
thanx all!