What Recording Software ( Lamb of God pics )


Lag Arkane
Jun 11, 2005
The Netherlands
I forgot how you guys call it again ( DAW ? ) anyway like cubase, nuendo etc.

I just received Sacrament with the dvd and was curios what kind of recording software Machine used for Ashes of the Wake and Sacrament.

here are some pics i took from the dvd :



and ere just a pic of the nice fellah:

That's Logic Audio 5 on an Apple running OS9, ah, the days that Apple didn't own Emagic and everything was fine..
wow - machine knows his shit - I'm suprised he's using Logic - I think it sounds like shit - but it aint the tools you use but how you use them - and he's the successful engineer and I'm the bum so what do I know.

Still think Logic sounds weird - kinda flat.
moose209 said:
wow - machine knows his shit - I'm suprised he's using Logic - I think it sounds like shit - but it aint the tools you use but how you use them - and he's the successful engineer and I'm the bum so what do I know.

Still think Logic sounds weird - kinda flat.
The DAW you use has no effect on the sound quality. It's the plugins you use, your preamps, AD/DA converters, etc.

Mendel said:
What would you most guys prefer ? Pro Tools ?
Pro Tools isn't really worth it unless you have an HD system. The LE systems are pretty shitty, imo. I'm using a Digi002 with Cubase SX 3 until I can afford an HD system. Between the track limit, lack of a freeze function (which is extremely necessary if you don't have extra processing power like the HD systems provide), lack of support for TDM plugins, and general bugginess in the LE software, using low budget Pro Tools is just generally a bad idea unless you really can't use any other DAW software.
gumplunger said:
The DAW you use has no effect on the sound quality. It's the plugins you use, your preamps, AD/DA converters, etc.

Ok - I've been shown differently - and cubase does sound very grey compared to other platforms to my ears at least not that we were talking about pro tools - however I assume machine will not be mixing inside the DAW anyway. So it matters not.:) I think I just hate Logic as I've spent the last 15 weeks learning most of it and I have come to the conclusion you can have to much and too many options at your disposal - MIDI is great in Logic - I find it laborious and somewhat slapdash for Audio - although the reverbs cab nice the Eq's are weird to my rock addled ears.
moose209 said:
Ok - I've been shown differently - and cubase does sound very grey compared to other platforms to my ears at least not that we were talking about pro tools - however I assume machine will not be mixing inside the DAW anyway. So it matters not.:) I think I just hate Logic as I've spent the last 15 weeks learning most of it and I have come to the conclusion you can have to much and too many options at your disposal - MIDI is great in Logic - I find it laborious and somewhat slapdash for Audio - although the reverbs cab nice the Eq's are weird to my rock addled ears.
I wouldn't use any built in plugins like reverb or EQ in DAW software unless it's DVerb or you're just doing a high/low pass EQ, cause in my experience, they're generally crap.

Here's the thing though: really there are only a couple ways that DAW's can process raw sound files differently. Different panning algorithms, different responses to digital clipping, and different ways of dealing with latency come to mind. Other than that, if you use the different software on the same system with the same hardware, monitoring, raw sound files, etc the audio you hear should be identical.
Is he using an sm7b for talkback?


I agree that the differences between the platforms are very subtle - like you say there are very few things that can alter the raw sounds, but I'm pretty damn sure these make a difference. I agree with you about Pro tools - I'm a user an addict and a fan - so I use it as a matter of course - I have a 002 and apart from not liking the lack of range the preamps have think its a great piece of kit - but the bugs fuck me right off. The HD system is fun - which is what music should be about. I find Logic very tedious and somewhat slow to use - which is odd as it was the first system I used when I was younger. But for speed, ease of editing and general sound of tools available, I think its a close thing but for me Tools wins if only on the editing side of things. Simplicity is a good thing - although as recent versions have shown Digidesign are not the compant they used to be and may be going in the direction that Logic went - lots of shit and six ways to do everything. I'm sure I'd only moan if there were'nt though.
Different DAW software does stereo summing differently, there's a comparison CD out.


I haven't heard the CD, but nobody agrees on what sounds the best. Generally most people I've talked to rank Pro Tools and Digital Performer at the top, with Logic a close third, THEN Nuendo/Cubase.

In my experience, I've found that it's irrelevant. Logic is great software and a lot of amazing sounding records have been made with it, most specifically Steven Wilson's productions (Opeth's "Damnation," Porcupine Tree.) I hate the cumbersome UI, but I think Apple has been a strong influence towards changing that for the better.
Tesseract is done on Nuendo and the stuff sounds amazing....

i'm pretty much think PT LE is crappy after seeing it in action last month while a friend was mixing my work
A Toolish Circle said:
i'm pretty much think PT LE is crappy after seeing it in action last month while a friend was mixing my work

PT LE is great as a mobile rig or entry-level system. Nobody professional does final production on it. I was referring to Pro Tools HD being the top DAW in terms of summing according to most people. A lot of that has to do (presumably) with PT HD processing the audio internally at 48 bits regardless of your session's bit rate. None of the other apps do this, the highest they ever process at is 32 bits.

I'm sure I'll be taking merged audio tracks out of DP to mix them on a PT HD rig for the final mixes of the BACKMASK CD because of this factor alone. We're still in writing mode at the moment though (although we have over half the album tracked.) Splitting up tasks between writing, recording, and mixing as you go is not an option when you're on a budget in a pro studio (unless you're Axl Rose), which is why I love working at home. Doing too much of one of those tasks can get very tedious, at least for somebody with my attention span (or lack thereof.)
I'm pretty sure if Andy Sneap used N-Track he could get a better recording than most of us on this board.

The component between the keyboard and chair seems to be the most important.
MKS said:
I'm pretty sure if Andy Sneap used N-Track he could get a better recording than most of us on this board.

The component between the keyboard and chair seems to be the most important.


But in my experience it's hard for me to make mud on a big desk - the tracks seem to seperate really easily. But getting that weight and seperation out of just a program for me is really hard. And yes all the tesseract stuff acle does is in Nuendo and yes it does sound pretty damn fat. I think thats because a lot of time, understanding and patience - as well as trial and error has gone into it - and a lot of sonic maximizer too. :lol: I'm not bashing any platform - jeez everyone is very protective over their purchases. I think Nuendo sounds a little flat, you really have to work very hard to get things to stand out. I find the same with Logic, although I suspect that is down to the level of control you have over it and the interface.
moose209 said:
And after all this the king of analog has been dabbling with Nuendo for years now and doesn't have a problem with it - I stand corrected. If Alan Parsons loves it there must be something in it. Shame Nuendo costs £1300 - bollox to that.


Shit, he lives in my hometown. Isn't he connected with Dr. Evil somehow? I don't know anything else about him. :loco: