Lamb Of God

Sacrament rules. Love the CD love the band. Getting to caught up in it's production is retarded.

It's good music.
Then I guess I can't help being retarded I was just born this way. Sorry to anybody who finds that offensive, I'm an asshole too I guess.

And this isn't a huge diss against machine's abilities, it's a personal dislike of LOG's rhythm tones. I've never liked them, even though As the Palaces Burn and New American Gospel are two of my favorite albums ever!
Yeah, I'm often knocked out of the mood to listen to them because of the tone - yeah, it's distinctive and clear, but it just sounds so 'off' sometimes.

That said, Sacrament rocks my socks off, and that and everything before it is going to be in the metal 'classic' list ten years from now - very few bands make me think that, but I know that Lamb of God is not going to fade away into the shadows the way many bands sadly wind up doing.

There's probably only 4-5 releases a year that blow me away and will stay in regular rotation on my cd & mp3 players for years. Sacrament and Ashes are both in that category. I love the production DVD on that thing too. Machine is incredibly camp, which had my GF laughing all the way through it.

I love the production on both Sacrament and Ashes. I love the fact that they sound unlike virtually anything else I own. Palaces sounds muddy to my ears and sounds like they didn't have enough cash to really do it justice (which was actually the case). For what it is, it's still a great album though.
Sacrement was definatly a grower for me but Ashes is my fave sounding album (even though it's pretty similar to Sacrement).

Palaces sounds too thin for me but at least it's got a quirky unique sound (to be honest all their albums do). Although I'm a big fan of Devins work (especially on SYL -the album- Misery Signals and Darkest Hour) Palaces just doesn't sound as big as the other albums

Anyways, Ashes has Chris Poland AND Skolnick on the same track, mmm mmm
sound wise they are very similar...

machine has a very WARM tone and also on top of that the guitar has so much clarity and not overwhelming amounts of distortion. once again, it's a matter of taste if you don't like warm tones then you won't like their sound. but he still deserves respect even if it's not your taste for creating a very unique sound that the band is happy with. to me if the band feels like the producer does justice to their sound then the producer has done his job.

sacrament has more production from the sense that randy blyth is more of a musical instrument he "singyells" more in a sense and there is a greater sense of harmony and presence of harmony on the album. the overall sound feels more "compressed" and "unified" as far as dynamics go and i read in an article he used some serious old school warm mic pres and mixing consoles i think though a lot of it was done with pro tools to get a very warm sound...
Cool article. There's not a whole lot of information out there on this guy, so I enjoyed this. Great attitude, humble and talented.....the perfect elements to make a great producer.
I like sacrament because its more mature than their previous albums. Machine captured that really good in my opinion.

Randy's voice is pushed a bit back and the guitars dont just riff their asses of any more its really feels as a full circle now. I really had the feeling that they showed more respect for each other, and i just like the laid back feeling of it all.

I think they really tested the fans with this albums seeing as the previous albums were more easy to listin to, with this one you still get lamb of god but more lamb of god as a whole.
I'm not a big fan of Machine to be honest. Personally, Devin's work on Palaces was far better - although more raw and less "defined". There's a LoG release called "Pure American Metal" just a small EP. But it's got an early version of Laid to Rest that has such an awesome guitar tone compared to the more creamy album version that appeared on Ashes of the Wake. I just think the raw sound really worked best for them


the demo takes from AOTW own the official release.
Sacrament is a mature album from a mature band. I like listening to Ashes and Palaces but Sacrament has a new, refined sort of vibe to it. The riffs are intense, drums have a great feel and clarity and the vocals are full of range and emotion. The production fits the music.

It's cool watching Machine work with the band. He's like going insane on stuff most of the time which is what you want with a producer.
The last thing I'd call Sacrament, or the last couple LoG releases is warm. To me, the production is sterile and too crispy, for lack of a better word...I like the band AND the albums, don't get me wrong, but the production is 100% not my taste. The MK IV tone Willie and Mark get sucks balls, IMO - but it is singular!
i love the tone!!! so much that i bought a mark iv.... it is such a great amp if you like the "taste"

i think on sacrament the "atmoshphere" is created by the harmony and background vocals and randy emotion and the "drive" is basically the kick drum.

the guitars and kick drum dominate the feel of sacrament, that's what makes it so different. the kick drum sound is so tight and the snare accents it perfectly.

i love how everything was put together on the album
I've heard MK IV's plenty of times and I think they sound awesome...BUt, not with the settings LoG uses, I guess. There's a band regionally I've seen a few times and I was knocked out by the MK IV's heavy tones, especially after hearing how they sounded on LoG's stuff...Sounded like a completley different amp.
i just go a mark iv very recently and it is so configurable. that's probably why. it has like an option for everything you can imagine, it's probably gonna take me a good 6 months to completely master it and get used to it considering i spend a couple of hours in my studio a week. not good should be there more. but nonetheless it's a great amp.
You might not like what he does but all respect to Mister Machine as he gets an original sound which is VERY rare in metal.
for anyone who wants to truly and objectively appreciate the work of mr.machine (i'm sure everyone that knocks him hasn't heard his work CAREFULLY) listen to the following songs on sacrament where not only does the "sound" sound good but everything is layered very good as far as vocals and riffs and "soundscapes" which i think is the primary job of a producer. you gotta listen to these songs very carefully and pay attention though the chorus's and the way the songs move and how the riffs interweave is very very cool for me. partciularly the vocals and overdubs for the chorus/verse/etc.

1) forgotten (lost angels)
2) blacken the cursed sun
3) foot to the throat
4) more time to kill

also the kick drum on "descneding" sounds unreal along with the harmonized riffs very eastern sounding.

those are mt 4 tracks which really shine on that album as far as production and overall sound
i think machine and LOG are ace.
your right the sound is Different, but in a good way for me
I think Machine does great work, no doubt, but I just don't dig the way LoG albums sound. I've heard LoG live, and for the most part, the guitars sound pretty much like the record - which I don't really dig. Granted, they are a little gainer and have more girth live, but their basic tone is still there. For my taste as a guitar player, I prefer a different high gain tone for metal. My complaints about LoG (of which there are few) have more to do with the sound the band gets more so than what their producer does.

So while I'm not hanging on the dude's nuts, I'm not trying to diss the guy.