What releases are u looking for this year?

NineFeetUnderground said:
theyre first language isnt english first of all. 2nd of all...who cares what theyre saying? very few bands in general ever really impress me with lyrics, why should i get on the cases of bands who dont even speak english first?

I agree, in nearly all occasions the music speaks louder to me than the lyrics do. Lyrics, to me, are just another instrument.
Aarohi said:
all_sins_undone: way to go on the katatonia forum, man. some utter wankers there apparently. you expressed your opinion well.
yeah... "why does jonas suck so much?" with no insight or reasoning or elaboration. well expressed? are you fucking stupid?
Yeah I've never based my opinion of any metal band on lyrics really, but Katatonia's are pretty bad. When bands try to write personal or emotional lyrics in a 2nd language it comes off very cheesy. I think they're a good band, but also overrated IMO.
opeth8 said:
Yeah I've never based my opinion of any metal band on lyrics really, but Katatonia's are pretty bad. When bands try to write personal or emotional lyrics in a 2nd language it comes off very cheesy. I think they're a good band, but also overrated IMO.

overrated? they dont have a bad album. its hard to overrate a band that continues to deliver for that long. Opeth is overrated too then right?