What releases are u looking for this year?

NineFeetUnderground said:
ok, i now realize i never have to really speak with you again. for a while, i almost had trouble discerning you being well spoken with you having taste. but that is 0k.

This from the guy who pimps Robbie Williams like Robbie owes him money?:lol:
My Man Mahmoud said:
I do, on the other hand, consider something like Oath Bound - where the best elements of a band's previous work are explored in greater depth and with more varied execution - to be 'progression' in the best sense.

Interesting, I hadn't seen someone take this perspective on Oath Bound. I agree partly, but the melodies are much more somber, subdued and vary too little in mood, unlike the previous 2 albums. So I see where the "snore fest" argument could come in.
My Man Mahmoud said:
This from the guy who pimps Robbie Williams like Robbie owes him money?:lol:

This is from the guy who feels blackmetal is the 'classical music' of that era. Have you ever even heard classical music and how much of an impact its had oin the rest of world and how much everyone just laughs at black metal and the peers that take it seriously.
Oath Bound is imho a mediocre album, especially compared to the high amount of great releases this year, from such bands like: Katatonia, Madder Mortem, Secrets Of The Moon, Negura Bunget, Enslaved, Wuthering Heights, Dolorian, Ahab, Callisto...
theyre first language isnt english first of all. 2nd of all...who cares what theyre saying? very few bands in general ever really impress me with lyrics, why should i get on the cases of bands who dont even speak english first?
Katatonia'a lyrics are simple, reflective, poetic and non-pretentious, they fit the music perfectly, don't fucking exaggerate. I am not being a fanboi here, and if you compare Katatonia's lyrics to most metal bands you will see what i mean.

Edit: To Burningsky
i aint play this said:
Katatonia'a lyrics are simple, reflective, poetic and non-pretentious, they fit the music perfectly, don't fucking exaggerate.

I trusted you
you lied
that's all I hear
a fucking lie
don't give a shit
it's over now

yawn i knew someone would post that part, btw the swearing works well in the context of the song imo. I won't bother explaining why i don't hate it again[katatoniaforum], and not all of the lyrics are based on swearing and shit