What releases are u looking for this year?

I would like to recommend the new Reclusion DEMO album. Best album so far 2006. Better than In Flames, Townsend, Green Carnation Acoustic, Katatonia and Northers new albums.

Dan Swano-Second Sky
Nightingale- White Darkness
Another Life
Waterclime- The Astral Factor
Cronian- Terra
Borknagar- acoustic
Wintersun- Time
Bal-Sagoth- Clthonic Chronicles
Disillusion i guess
^^^ There's a new Dan Swano album coming?!?!?!?!


And, to add to my excitement, there is a new Strapping Young Lad album due in July.

Well, at least... that's what Gene Hoglan says on their official site, dunno how reliable that is lol.

I'm EXCITED!!!!!!!
Liquid Diamonds said:
^^^ There's a new Dan Swano album coming?!?!?!?!


And, to add to my excitement, there is a new Strapping Young Lad album due in July.

Well, at least... that's what Gene Hoglan says on their official site, dunno how reliable that is lol.

I'm EXCITED!!!!!!!

New SYL?!?!??!?!
I'm waiting for something, ANYTHING that doesn't suck. Right now my 2006 top ten list consists of Summoning and nine empty slots.
My Man Mahmoud said:
I'm waiting for something, ANYTHING that doesn't suck. Right now my 2006 top ten list consists of Summoning and nine empty slots.
What are some of the bands that you like in general? You must be pretty picky considering there's only one album you like from 2006.
NineFeetUnderground said:
wow, some of you are waiting for some really godawful stuff to come out. raise the bar kids, raise the bar.
hint: understand that people might actually _enjoy_ different types of music than you do.