What School??

San Diego State University-home of more brain dead losers than is humanly possible to tabulate...I'm a sophomore criminal justice major, what about the rest of ya?
Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm.
Kungliga tekniska högskolan for you swedes.
Masters program (4.5 years), machine engineering, specialization in graphical technology. Same school that Peter Lindgren of Opeth went to, we actually went there at the same time I guess.
Originally posted by Towelie
What college or university do you guys go to?

I don't go to school! >:eek:) I couldn't decide what
I wanted to do so I started working instead...
Hoped it would bore me so much I would want
to go back to "hell"... It actually helped.
15th of January I'll start with some webdesign
studies, if I get in of course :eek:P It'll only be
part-time, and over the internet :eek:)
Still; It's something to do! :eek:)
i'm just about finishing my apprenticeship, but tend to study afterwards. dunno where, dunno what (exactly). just for the sake of it! :)