what do you do?

Originally posted by Izual

That's EXACTLY my situation! it does indeed suck. I live in a fucking preppy ivy league college town, and finding people of any substance is damn near impossible. i do have some very cool friends, but none of them can handle real metal, or should i say anything more aggressive (talented) than LP, Bizkit, or Godsmack.

i feel you pain.


Thank you, man!
I felt so alone in this world and all. They forced me to listen to
that techno/dance stuff on parties, and whenever I wanna listen
to metal.. I was all alone :cry: buhuuu :cry:
I am so happy to be understood... sharing the pain is good.
damn lordenlil that DOES suck. Hook up with metal warriors when you come over to the uk and all will be good :)

I'm graduating in a few weeks too! HOO-FUCKING-RAY!!!!

My last exam EVER in about 5 days. I have been studying philosophy in Durham (worlds MOST boring hole). And I've been itching to leave after the WORST 3 years of my life for SEVERAL reasons.

Finally DesolatioN (my band) can begin our full on assault on the world of metal unhindered. WHOHOO!

(I also split up with long time missus and am on the pussy trail)
Originally posted by Lordenlil

Thank you, man!
I felt so alone in this world and all. They forced me to listen to
that techno/dance stuff on parties, and whenever I wanna listen
to metal.. I was all alone :cry: buhuuu :cry:
I am so happy to be understood... sharing the pain is good.

you cant imagine how much i loathe that stuff, lordenlil. techno...:Puke:
I’m working on a BA in psychology at Northern Illinois University and during the summer I work for a moving company, this has essentially been my life for the past two years.