What should I expect?


New Metal Member
Sep 30, 2007
Hey guys, I just wanted to know what should I expect for my first ProgPower show. My brother has gone almost every year and loves it. His friend couldnt make it so Im taking his place. Im new to the music but Im enjoying it. Thanks!

1. A small, friendly venue where everyone's nice
2. The crowd to sing every song, sometimes just as well as the vocalist
3. To bump into your favorite bands in the hall
4. Too much merchandise to possibly afford in one trip
5. A guy in a Hawaiian shirt making your dreams come true

1. A small, friendly venue where everyone's nice
2. The crowd to sing every song, sometimes just as well as the vocalist
3. To bump into your favorite bands in the hall
4. Too much merchandise to possibly afford in one trip
5. A guy in a Hawaiian shirt making your dreams come true

6. To fall in love with 3 bands you've never heard much of before.


7. To be making some awesome new friends.
8. People at your hotel to be blasting metal in there rooms and some of the time just leaving the door propped open. Either way don't be afraid to knock and introduce yourself.
9. To perhaps be a little overwhelmed. There's a lot to see and do at PP. Don't forget to eat and drink water every now and then. You may be staying up late partying at the hotel and not getting enough sleep so the food and water thing is pretty important. If your hotel has one, take advantage of the complimentary breakfast.
10. To be addicted. You'll be back next year! :rock:
11. Partying with people from a number of different countries and cultures.
12. Getting an awesome goodie bag including a free 3 CD sampler!
13. Not getting enough sleep.
14. Taking bets when the ATM in the lobby will run out of money (from people buying tons of CDs).
15. Being in awe of hanging out with really great bands.
16. Being tired as hell from walking around all day (if you don't have a car).
17. Being extra careful not to trip on the stairs inside the venue when the lights are dimmed.
18. Wondering if you can wait for this to all happen again next year. (especially since this year they'll announce next year's lineup at the end of this year's show).

Glad you're enjoying the music. Welcome to the "Dark Side" where the music is much better over here. :)

BTW - what hotel are you staying at? I'm at the Super 8. If you're in the neighborhood, come by and party.
20. Seeing all the awesome Progpower ladies in their corsets.

21 Seeing some strange guys running around in kilts.

22. Meeting J-Dubya

23. Wondering if the guy behind the NIGHTMARE RECORDS table is really LANCE KING( It is by the way)