What song from each album would you love to see live?

Orchid - Apsotle In Triumph
Morningrise - To Bid You Farewell
MAYH - When
Still Life - Moonlapse Vertigo
BWP - Drapery Falls
Deliverance - A Fair Judgement (Oh wait, I already have! :grin: )
Damnation - Ending Credits (Blissfimation!)
Orchid: um... Requiem?
Morningrise: The Night And The Silent Water
My Arms, Your Hearse: The Amen Corner
Still Life: Serenity Painted Death
BWP: Blackwater Park
Deliverance: By The Pain I See In Others
Damnation: Death Whispered A Lullaby
The Apostle in Triumph
The Night and the Silent Water
April Ethereal
Moonlapse Vertigo
Blackwater Park
Master's Apprentices
(still waiting on the mailman)

Not necessarily my favorite songs, but a lot of moments I'd like to see live.
Orchid: The Forest of October
Morningrise: Advent [seen]
My Arms, Your Hearse: When
Still Life: Godhead's Lament [seen]
Blackwater Park: Harvest
Deliverance: A Fair Judgement [seen]
Damnation: In My Time of Need
Orchid - The Apostle In Triumph
Morningrise - To Bid You Farewell
MAYH - The Amen Corner/Demon Of The Fall
Still Life - Godheads Lament
Blackwater Park - The Funeral Portrait/The Leper Affinity/Bleak
Deliverance - Deliverance (for the closing riff :hotjump: )
Damnation - Closure
It seems like most of you guys haven't seen them live yet, or you really enjoy songs they currently play.

I've seen all of the above except Apostle, Farewell and Amen Corner.... and a lot of songs mentioned previously...

EDIT: AND Closure of course..
Orchid: The Twilight Is My Robe
Morningrise: The Night and the Silent Water (imagine the build-up and the 'you sleep in the light...' part)
My Arms, Your Hearse: The Amen Corner ('eerie circles upon the waters')
Still Life: Moonlapse Vertigo (I've heard the Milwaukee bootleg, thought it was great)
Blackwater Park: The Funeral Portrait
Deliverance: By the Pain I See In Others
Damnation: Windowpane (not my fav, but imagine it live... GODDAMN)

...3 weeks till OPETH/PT in TORONTO!! YAY! (maybe at least my Damnation wish will come true)
Mine are: Orchid-forest of October
Morningrise-Nectar/to Bid you farewell
MAYH- Demon of the Fall (I've seen it, but I want to see it again!!!!)
Still life- The Moor
Blackwater Park- The Drapery falls ( again, seen it)
Deliverance- Master's Apprentices
Damnation- To rid the disease
Orchid: The Apostle in Triumph or Forest of October
Morningrise: To Bid You Farewell
MAYH: When
Still Life: Serenity Painted Death or Godheads Lament
BWP: Bleak, The Drapery Falls or Dirge for November
Deliverance: Deliverance or Masters Apprentices
Damnation: Windowpane!
I've seen Opeth four times now so I'll go with tracks that I love from each album that I have never seen them play.

Orchid-The Apostle In Triumph or Under The Weeping Moon
Morningrise-Black Rose Immortal or To Bid You Farewell which I've heard they may be playing on the Damnation tour :)

My Arms, Your Hearse-When

Still Life-The Moor or Serenity Painted Death

Blackwater Park-Blackwater Park!!!!!!! The Funeral Portrait would be nice too!

Deliverance-Masters Apprentices

Damnation-Closure or Hope Leaves ( I had the DJ at my wedding reception play Hope Leaves, it was great seeing all of these people who don't have a clue in life who Opeth is slow dancing to that one!)