What song from The Odysey would be the coolest to sing?

Originally posted by the_satanic_rabbit
BTW, how does one sing so high, without going into the falsetto range and sounding like a whiny pussy?
(some can do falsetto and make it sound cool --- King Diamond)

Head voice

And my choice to sing would be Awakenings
So how does one learn to use the "Head voice"?
This is something I never heard of, but I have never taken a singing lesson or read about technique, and I have been singing for 10 years. All I know is that I cannot go from low to high without breaking into falsetto.
Originally posted by the_satanic_rabbit
So how does one learn to use the "Head voice"?
This is something I never heard of, but I have never taken a singing lesson or read about technique, and I have been singing for 10 years. All I know is that I cannot go from low to high without breaking into falsetto.

Oh I must suppose that when you break into falsetto you force your voice right? do you crack your voice?

With head voice you'll have much more control than falsetto and more power. If you want to go into head voice is like going into high gear (going up scale) without forcing, it will be easier if you start singing in a low volume and try to sing high notes (in other words don't yell :p)
I'm sure hearing this will help more than words :D

Head Voice

I'm not the one that's singing there :p Head voice starts around the 2 secs mark in the recording.

I hope that helped :D
well I recommend to try to sing Egypt or Accolade :D
though they're not from the Odyssey.
I'd pay much if I could sing like Allen do in the Turning