What Song Would You Love Saxon To Play Live?

Bert - Yeah, I can't see why they can't pull a couple of gigs off in, for example, Newcastle. More up North, you know? I would've thought a night or two in a major Scottish city wouldn't have been a failure, either.

Hi, Mr Hdlrosa! I know that 'Conquistador' is a favourite with lots of fans, so that may just happen!
they usually play conquistador, you know it because thats where they stick the drum solo usually (refer to chronicles dvd), plus, if you want em to play something new live, make it something they havnt played in a while, weve had this discussion before, even a poll, but nothing ever came of it (or did it??)
Understood, Mac, but some people (for example me!) have only recently joined the Forum. Apologies if the current conversation is 2nd hand, OK?
I know they played Conquistador on the last tour, but some don't know this (I only know it from reading reviews and such).
At least this proves the guys are choosing the right songs to play for the fans.

As we don't know what the new songs are going to be like, the setlist subject is a little bit up in the air. I DO expect at least 4 classics from the album, though!
well, it might be a cliche' but, in all the years i've been listening to saxon, i have never heard frozen rainbow/rainbow theme live. oh yeah. hello all. I've just joined the forum probly speak to you at some point. cya later.
Hi, Pangalactic! Welcome to the forum!
Saxon have played 'Frozen Rainbow' live in the early days - I think it is on the 'Diamonds & Nuggets' album. But it would be great to hear them play it again - I think 'Frozen Rainbow' indicatated in which direction the modern 'Saxon' are going more, than say, 'Motorcycle Man'. When I first heard FR, I just could not understand how the first Saxon album got ignored. It reminded me of early Queen stuff - you know? progressive and flamboyant with a touch of Led Zep! 'Milita Guard' was another song that made me feel this way.
I would like to hear Frozen Rainbow (or a segmant of it) played in the new set.