What song would you play at your funeral?

There's no way I'd want some death metal song about funerals or death. I'd rather the theme from Benny Hill or something.
Maudlin of the Well- The Blue Ghost/Shedding Qliphoth
Opeth- To Bid You Farewell
Psyopus- Siobhanis Song
Clad in Darkness- Amist Her Shadows
Death- Story to Tell
Johann Pachelbel- Pachelbel Canon
Definitely have that sunovabitch who wrote the toy story theme write a song about my life. That dude has a funny voice, at least everyone would laugh.
God, you dont even need to be dead for that to be funny, I am laughing right now...

This would be a great idea for a new topic, who would you want to create/compose a new song for your funeral.

what the fuck is that dude's name? wait i have it on my itunes, let me look... RANDY NEWMAN! yeah! wait have you seen that episode of family guy? where he's just sitting in the middle of the field after y2k singing about everything he sees? thats what i want, him just rambling on and on about my boring life. everyone could sing along to the chorus and lighters would sway at the piano solo..... that'd be a sweet tribute. Too bad hes like 80, i gotta die soon i guess.
Fantasia on a Theme by Thomas Tallis by Vaughan Williams

Not metal, but freaking aweseome. One of my favorite classical pieces, it's got this great somber mood, but is uplifting at the same time.

That coupled with Be Still my Soul (hymn taking the main melody of Sibelius' Finlandia + sick lyrics)

Vaughn Williams... great composer. :cool:
My favs by him are Sym. 5 and The Lark Ascending. I've got a really good performance of Lark with Nigel Kennedy.
Maybe Alanis Morrisette. Those crazy vocals would remind everyone how fucked up my life was. Plus she's canadian. Not that I am, but I think it'd be classy to have a Canadian sing my funeral song.
stillborn by hypocrisy

I'm floating in the air
Slowly fading away from the earth
I'm guessing to the never when on my way to my empty birth

I've got to stay awake
But my eyelids feels lifeless
I feel like a parasite!

What will happen to us?
Will we ever see the universe?
Will we ever return?

Do we survive?
It's a human curse!

Final destination unknown
Humanity on the go
This is the end
Another beginning
I would play Diabolical Masquerade-nightwork at my funeral.

and then after possessed-burning in hell.