What song would you want COB to cover?

I just thought of another couple songs CoB could cover.

Nothing Else Matters by Metallica (They could actually give the song some balls, I think)
Pre-Hibernation Day by Pantera (That song they recorded for the Spongebob episode)

Yeash, that would be intresting, and why not with better tempo?

Well, if the intro was the same and then they built it up, that would be the best thing to do. Just not some super fast super nintendo version hahaha.

Also, Rock Me Amadeus - Falco. Just because I like it and Alexi likes classical shit and so does Falco apparently.
I would like to see something crazy again, like the Oops I did it again cover. I just hope it gets more melodic, and maybe a bit faster
can't really think about an example at the moment tho..
I just thought of another couple songs CoB could cover.

Nothing Else Matters by Metallica (They could actually give the song some balls, I think)
Pre-Hibernation Day by Pantera (That song they recorded for the Spongebob episode)


they > what bodom would do
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Hmm I've always asked myself some kind of fusion between COB and Arch Enemy

I think they should cover "I am Legend / Out For Blood" :heh:

otherwise something of Avril Lavigne like the song (I dont know the name) "Hey, Hey , Hey I wanna be you grrlfrieeend" :lol::lol::lol:

Just look at this.. :lol::goggly::goggly::OMG:
