What the fuck has happened to this message board?


seriously...probably cuz everyone's waiting for the new album to come out, and are therefore less excited about opeth in general
Yeah I think so too. So in frustration I wanted to know who you guys thought were the ugliest member of the band. Sorry guys. I just wanted to have something to talk about :wave:
For the longest time this was my favorite forum and the only one I went to. Not just for Opeth but also because there were a lot of smart and interesting people who discussed some pretty cool topics in the off topic/chat part of the forum. A little while after Deliverance came out, a lot of new members who were new to opeth and the board came, and most of them were different than the old crowd and the old crowd didnt like them much and made fun of them because they were mostly fan boy type fans and all that stuff. And so that was the beginning of the downfall, but there were still all those cool people hanging around but once the off topic/chat was removed almost all the cool people left at least the ones who haddent already left when all the new people started coming. So basically opeths fan based increased and most of the older fans didnt like the new fans and then they took the off topic away and all these stupid trolls came and then all the older members left and now it sucks. At least thats they way I saw it happen, maybe someone disagrees?
the off topic board just got its own domain..most people who posted in the Opeth off topic have just gone there...no big deal really...
this board isnt that bad..ive seen worse...much much worse..and i dont see the trolls...
I can not agree with the adage of "most of Opeth's fanbase" is on this message board. Not everyone thinks internet forums are all that cool, remember...we are the geeks that like Opeth, but not the majority of Opeth's fanbase.

Most normal people would probably dismiss most of the silliness and bitching that goes on a typical message board as "lame," "boring," "stupid," or a "waste of time." Same goes for alot of metal fans, who would probably add "gay" and/or "un-metal, dude!"