what the fuck is wrong with...

MetalAges is really true though and we have to blame ourselves, not personally but generally the members who hypocritically laugh at these morally wrong things. He is emphasising typically on how people find racism funny universally, however are offended when the jokes are aimed at them. I agree fully and I know that I'm not involved in this, because I'm not offended by other peoples racial jokes, or mocking remarks regarding my appearance or lifestyle. I feel that I too should not have encouraged threads involving death or racism, however for my own personal amusement and I do not judge people for their humour in return. I apologize to MetalAges on behalf of the CoB OT forum, if he would accept it- although rejecting PM's from the members involved, this is the only way he can be contacted regarding the situation. Thus, our moderation plan has failed and we can only blame ourselves, and not simply raid another forum to spam all of the other innocent members. We must rebuild our forum people!
as much as i don't like cob ot, closing it simply because he feels its not moral enough for him seems wrong. ot is just a chat board and a community thing, and since none of it is running over onto the main cob forum, it seems a little harsh to close it now even though its really always been that way.
I never understood the reasons behind racism anyway, all that segregation shit in lolmerica in the early 1900s.....Just utterly pointless.
I never understood the reasons behind racism anyway, all that segregation shit in lolmerica in the early 1900s.....Just utterly pointless.
So true. The idea of 'racism' was already acknowledged as morally wrong. To portray it through the media and advertise it throughout music, public, by one race meant another would disagree. This concept is regularly achieved when a person, normally of caucasian origin offends/ makes a false remark which a different racial person would disagree with. The scapegoat is then used to engage with a fight as: "Are you being racist?" Which is simply pathetic. I don't care of 'black people's revenge'. Racism is a form of stereotyping, and people should learn that it is silly to judge the appearance, but not to argue of their beliefs, and humour racism, not to condone/endorse it.