What the Hell HAPPENED to Martin, Anyways???

Well, for starters I think it's crap to say it's stressful to be on tour, worse things happen to people, it really should mean doing what you love 24/7, otherwise you're in the wrong business.

And what I said earlier.
@BleakEyes - no hun, I wasn't directing it at you. :) The way everyone is talking about this, on and off the forum, is what I was talking about. It all had to do with the fact that none of these people understood what a nervous breakdown does to you. Hopefully now in this forum, people may understand because of my post. It is indeed a mental problem. I will respond to Allan later.
Squeak said:
They way people are saying Martin has mental problems makes it seem like he's crazy like a lunatic or someone that belongs in an insane asylum. That's not true. He is very, very lucky that he has the ability to see someone to help him through his crisis, I didn't get that chance.

I hope this gives you guys more insight on what a breakdown will do to one's self. It may help you understand a bit more and maybe be a little more sympathetic and understanding to the situation at hand.
Well, I said "mental" problem because it is a mental problem, it does not mean that he is crazy. Like I said, we all go crazy sometimes, but some are more serious than others. I have the same problems and I do not get a chance to get any kind of help. People are different, but I by no means was saying that Martin was a lunatic and should be put away. It is sad and like I said, he never seemed like the kind of guy who would breakdown like this.
Ha ha. I fucked up while quoting you and then I just deleted it instead of editing it. I was going to say, that is going to look funny, you responding to me when my post is after yours. :D
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