What the hell? MTV?


stranger by the minute
Jun 26, 2002
Earth, for now
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From the End Records:

It is now confirmed and official. MTV has decided to use songs from our releases for their upcoming Fraternity Life and Soronity Life shows!! They have chosen:

Virgin Black – Sombre Romantic
Winds – Reflections Of The I
Arcturus – The Sham Mirrors
Agalloch – The Mantle

The Music Coordinator was very excited with our music and commented: “This would be perfect for the sad and desperate moments of the shows”.

I'm a bit confused about this. Can someone shed some light on it? I know it's more for background music but still, MTV? What the Hell? The world continues to amaze me. Odd how some of the best music they ever play on the channel will never be known but for background to a show about a bunch of whiney ass fratties and sorority girls.


Originally posted by transfixed
woah, thats pretty crazy :eek:
Imagine channel surfing and coming across MTV and hearing Agalloch played in the background while some idiot whines about breaking up with some stupid girl.... hahah

And imagine hearing Radical cut during the above situation... :D :D :D But it may be good promotion for the bands (though I rather doubt it)...
Metal is being used a lot as background music these days. Like "rapture" by Morbid Angel on the VH1 Fashion Awards thing.
And now, its on those MTV reality shows. Interesting...
I can't take it any more! This show stresses me the fuck out god damnit! * "..And its eevvveerr so wrong, to dare, to be stronnngg." * I'm so depressed, I want to go home!
holy shit those are SOME FUCKING AmAZING ALBUMS!!! and i mean all of them.......but MTV!?!?!?!

seriously, how the fuck can Virgin Black be for MTV
Originally posted by Morningrise
:lol: Oh man, I am kind of indifferent... I don't want my bands on these shows, but no one will know what they are so it dosn't matter.

Maybe. I have been watching a few shows on MTV, the names of them I can't recall however, and at the end of the show, they give a list of all the bands and the songs that they've used as music for that show. Maybe they'll do the same for these programs. Can you imagine a bunch of frat and sorority people actually watching those shows and liking the music? I doubt that.

Frat Boy #1: "Hey, Arcturus...they sound pretty good. Maybe I'll check them out."
Frat Boy #2: "Sure, after you finish pounding my ass."

Really, I can't see this doing anything to popularize these bands.
Originally posted by godheadslament24@aol.com
what an outrage i mean they should not be spread to all of the prepees and anyone else who watches an mtv reality show
JESUS CHRIST i cant believe this.

So basically you're saying that the bands that most of us here listen to don't deserve recognition and success? I feel that if they make it big for whatever reason, as long as they still have integrity I'll still listen to them. It's so very selfish to want to be the only one that listens to a certain band or type of music.
Originally posted by CladInDarkness
yeah besides preps which i dont care about im worried about nu metal fags

I wouldn't go out of my way to let people listen to the music I do, but if they find it themselves, even if it's through eMpTy-V, they deserve to listen to it as much as anyone else.