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Jan 18, 2008
Tucson, AZ
Hey all!

I'm sure you've seen me post here or there on the Sneap Forums, but i've been kind of a spectator until now. While i've only been doing recording for a little over a year, this message board has helped me immensely, and still does everyday!

I've been particularly watching Joey, as he has done unbelievable things with his setup.

Any questions on it, criticisms, whatever, feel free.

Thanks for listening!

Im asuming the drums were V kit triggering Ezdrummer? Besides the sloppy kick work it sounds pretty good, cymbals have a lot of sizzle but little body to them. Snare could do with a healthy 200hz or so push just to add a bit of beef to it. Guitars are good!

Good job for the time you have spent recording, this forum is a gold mine as you said!
Im asuming the drums were V kit triggering Ezdrummer? Besides the sloppy kick work it sounds pretty good, cymbals have a lot of sizzle but little body to them. Snare could do with a healthy 200hz or so push just to add a bit of beef to it. Guitars are good!

Good job for the time you have spent recording, this forum is a gold mine as you said!

Actually, that was just Superior 2.0, with DKFH. And yeah, when i was recording it to the click, i somehow got off, and drums were fun. It was just kind of a day project today, it got thrown together in a couple hours.

And the snare wasn't touched it was the Ludwig snare in Superior. Gotta use that till i can afford SS drums!!!

The guitars were more what i was focusing on.
drums are quite sloppy but i dig the guitar sound! any details?

Yeah, i'm no drummer haha. Again, clicks kinda f-ed up so i couldn't quantize it too well.

The guitar tone was more what i was focusing on.

I used Pod Farm with the

*quoting Joey*

Diamond Plate model, Quad Tracked, 2 with the Tube Screamer, 2 without. 4x12 Treadplate Cab w/ the Condenser, and no room verb.

q1, 12khz low pass
psp vintage warmer, +4 drive, 10% knee, 50% speed, 0 everything else
c4, push the lows down
waves s1 shuffler on preset "subtle widening"

to the exact lol

i just wanted to see how i could re-create what that amazing man did. I'll be tweaking it to be my own too, hopefully.