What to do, what to do (tales from life)

What should markgugs do about work?

  • Take a job you moron, getting paid is good.

    Votes: 10 90.9%
  • Wait it out, there are better offers on the horizon.

    Votes: 1 9.1%
  • Work? What's work?

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


nursing my wounds
Apr 15, 2002
The Ridge
After going through a miserable 2 months of life, and (pats self on back) dealing with it all in mature, keepin'-my-head-up fashion, I am now faced with the prospect of 3, count 'em, 3 job opportunities.

They're all in such a rush though, should I just jump back in or continue to weigh my options? Vote now!
Job's a job. Unless you have the bankroll to support yourself for some months, take what you can.

Or take this time to max all your credit cards on backpacking equipment and move to Canada as the wanderer Bob MacAvey, leaving your former life behind. At least that is what I would do. :)
Heh, don't really have the funds to live/sustain expenses for more than another 1-2 months anyway, so I'm leaning toward job myself. Plus, they're pretty good opportunities, though I will certainly have to start working my tail off again. Meh.
Fuck working hard, life is too short to worry about a stressful job.

That's just me though. :D
Agree with BWD. Take a job, but keep the options open if something better comes along. If you can live off savings or credit cards for a month or two, then do that if it pleases you.

Or you can jst go to the Waldorf Astoria and try to pick up Paris Hilton and have that dumb spoiled bitch pay for everything.